The foundations of sex research can summed up as perverts distorting data to normalize their perversions.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-08-01 |
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Many people are gay or bisexual. That behavior is as normal as cis-gendered. You're born that way. Gender is (or can be) fluid. | Kinsey studies were as perverted as Kinsey, by bad methodology (sampling of hookers, pedophiles, young, deviants). The researchers were biased, and activists pushing an agenda. Much of the things they sold generations on, are far from clear/proven. |
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When they say, "Follow the money" it's a variant of "you get what you incentivize". Research into sex is funded by activists who want people to find sexual deviancy is "normal", that social norms are constraining and harmful, and that society needs to change, and we need more progressive Marxists to force that change in the name of Social Justice and Equality. (Pedophiles are normal, but monogamy is abhorrent). And in a shock to no one, that's exactly what they find.
Many of them were mentally disturbed, sexually confused, and were what we classically called, "perverts" that believe in normalizing bad behavior to feel better about themselves, and were not trained in the fields they practiced. So they made it up, or more accurately, they projected their deviancy or desires on the public, and tried to normalize them by proving that they were more common than they were, only to later be debunked or shown to have used highly questionable or unethical methodology.
People[edit | edit source]
- J. Michael Bailey - Ethically questionable sexologist, that got the world to mistakenly believe that homosexuality was genetic. Then had a series of ethical accusations levelled at him when he did questionable research that implied bisexual men actually had a preference (thus didn't really exist) based on a penile bloodflow study. Also showed poor judgement like live sex acts for college class.
- Magnus Hirschfeld - German sexual deviant that pioneered sexology and many misunderstandings around gender and sex. Basically, started the movement to appease his own deviancies as a gay/bi man, living in a puritanical culture. This doesn't make him right or wrong, but it does show that he was quite biased, and had a conflict of interest with his study, and results.
- Alfred Kinsey - American sexual deviant with a degree in biology (specializing in wasps), that pioneered American sexology and using lousy methodology created many misunderstandings around gender and sex.
- John Money - New Zealand sexual deviant that invented ideas on Gender Identity/Sexual Orientation that were later disproven. He believed gender was completely malleable (100% Nurture), thus his surgical re-assignment of Bruce/David Reimer to girl and forced sex acts, ended in David's transition back and suicide. Money never admitted wrongdoing.
Books[edit | edit source]
- Irreversible Damage - Despite not having an "agenda" against trans, the facts are shocking and offensive to the Woke Mob that doesn't like what the facts and what the science shows. Since the facts aren't on their side, they attack Abigail, her book, and anyone that doesn't denounce it vehemently.
- What is a Woman? - A 2022 documentary about gender and transgender issues by Matt Walsh / Daily Wire..
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