People v. Turner shows everything that's wrong with SJW's, Snowflakes, and Californias mob rule, Persky was splatter hate. Brock Turner is alleged to have molested a drunk girl (they were both drunk). The judge ruled exactly as the Parole Board suggested. The mob blamed the Judge (Aaron Persky) for following the state's guidelines and the law, and he was recalled and ruined as well. No Justice in the face of angry know-nothing students. |
~ Aristotle Sabouni Created: 2018-06-06
Persky won re-election five days after the sentencing. but the mob had to make an example of what happens to judges who follows the state's guidelines! Man-hating feminist activist and Professor Michele Dauber, of the Stanford Law School, was longtime gasoline thrower on campus sexual assault, and family friend of the victim, made it her personal vendetta to get Persky destroyed by her mob of haters, and started a committee to recall Persky. And while there was some back and forth legal maneuvering (as this was unusual), California repeatedly chooses the wrong path -- and this was no different. So the Persky recall was allowed to continue, based on no valid reasons.
The sane and rational warned that if Persky was recalled for doing his job and following guidelines, then there would be no future leniency allowed, in a system that was often way too inflexible and harsh as it was.
- 70 public defenders has petitioned in support of Persky, warning against "mass incarceration" brought upon by state legislatures or indiscreet judges, and fearing that the backlash against Persky could hurt their clients (mostly poor African and Latino) by compelling judges to give out harsh sentences.
On support of Persky and the law, we have the following:
- Deputy Public Defender Sajid Khan wrote "rather than using robotic, one size fits all punishment schemes, we want judges, like Judge Persky, to engage in thoughtful, case by case, individualized determinations of the appropriate sentence for a particular crime and particular offender"
- The Santa Clara County public defender said she is "alarmed by the hysteria" about the Turner sentence
- Even the Santa Clara County district attorney (Jeff Rosen), whose office prosecuted Turner, did not appeal the sentence, and stated, "While I strongly disagree with the sentence that Judge Persky issued in the Brock Turner case, I do not believe he should be removed from his judgeship"... "Judicial independence is a critical part of the U.S. justice system"
- Danny Cevallos stated that judges enjoy a modicum of independence from public pressure, and "there are no apparent grounds for impeachment or allegations of judicial misconduct, based on this sentence alone." And that it, "raises the question: is removing judges good for the spirit of the judiciary system, especially when the judge's sole transgression is a legal sentence" where he correctly applied the law
- The Santa Clara County Bar Association has released a statement saying that removing Persky would be a "threat to judicial independence" and weighs just one of his 13 years of decisions too heavily, saying they see "no credible assertions that in issuing the sentence, Judge Persky violated the law or his ethical obligations or acted in bad faith."
- Similarly, other sitting judges (both state and federal) and legal commentators have defended Persky's decision, noted that the sentence might, in their opinion, be disproportionate due to the life-long consequences of a criminal conviction and sex offender registration, and called on the bar to protect the independence of the judiciary.
- The California Commission on Judicial Performance found that he had not abused his discretion and he was supported by dozens of law school professors, retired judges and the Santa Clara Bar Association.
But it didn't matter, the mob wins in California Injustice System.
Persky can never work again[edit | edit source]
Getting Persky fired for obeying the sentencing guidelines wasn't enough, the hate mob went after him for being a JV Tennis Coach (4 years later) as well. There was a petition when some Social Activist/Haters discovered he was teaching JV Tennis at a San Jose high school... so the cowards at the School fired him, because they didn't want to take the heat for allowing the guy to work there, after doing nothing wrong. Apparently, being a Judge that listened to the legal guidelines, makes him unqualified to be around young Women? What a bunch of asshats. [1]
Aaron Persky • [2 items]
People v. Turner
Brock Turner is alleged to have molested a girl (they were both drunk, no evidence). The judge ruled exactly as the Parole Board suggested. The mob recalled/ruined the Judge (Aaron Persky) for following the state's guidelines and not destroying more of Brock's life (in the name of tolerance). No Justice in the face of angry know-nothing students.
Brock Turner
Brock was involved in a consensual drunken encounter with a co-ed, but since she was too drunk to consent and may have passed out, he was guilty, and the snowflakes were mad that his life wasn't MORE ruined. The problem was there wasn't ever evidence in this case, no history of priors. But white male athlete in Stanford, California? Burn the witch!
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People This is the root for finding info on people
California This article lists some of the intolerance, incompetence, and progressivism that have come to exemplify the Golden State.
Intolerance Tolerance is how you treat people you don't agree with.
People v. Turner People v. Turner shows everything that's wrong with SJW's, Snowflakes, and Californias mob rule, Persky was splatter hate.
Brock Turner Brock was involved in a drunken encounter with a co-ed and caused and outrage among the snowflakes that his life wasn't MORE ruined.
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Tags: People California Intolerance Cases Law People v. Turner Brock Turner