California IPOs

From iGeek
Ipo logo.svg
California noticing the obvious; IPOs are way down (anti-Business practices are going to leave a mark on their bottom line).
California noticing the obvious; that anti-Business practices are going to leave a mark (on their bottom line). Now one year is not a trend, but it is the first thing to wake them up to a trend that's been happening with people voting with their feet. In this case, 2022 IPO's are 1/9th of 2021, they're not down in Texas, and that's going to impact tax revenue.
ℹ️ Info          
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-10-22 
🗒️ Note:
IPO means Initital Public Offering. Or new businesses that grew enough to be be publicly traded.

Facts[edit | edit source]

  • Total revenues are down $2.8B... in one month.
  • It isn't just IPOs, it's revenues from many cities (municipalities) as the population is fleeing to other states. Often the affluent are the most mobile.
  • California did run a "Surplus" in 2021 -- but they are pretty flim-flammy with their numbers.


👁️ See also

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This article lists some of the intolerance, incompetence, and progressivism that have come to exemplify the Golden State.

Slacktivism is about pretending you're fully woke, but never being able to measure up. If you are fully woke, you are soon out of business.

California Incompetence
Incompetent and sanctimonious is a heady mix that makes California one miserable place to live your life.

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Tags: California  Slacktivism  Incompetence

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