- History of AI
- FDR - Agencies
- 2016.10.02 Molon Labe
- 2018.08.03 $1 Trillion+
- 2nd Amendment was about the militia
- 2nd Amendment was for muskets
- Alt-Reality
- American Differences
- American History
- My Bias (1974)
- Bill Gates is a Genius
- Birth of Birthers
- Columbus
- Copland
- Corporate Personhood & Citizens United
- DNC Crusades
- Declaration of Slave Owners
- Defensive Gun Use
- Democratic Tolerance
- Discussion with a Gun-Controller
- Dropping the Bomb
- Electoral College and the National Popular Vote
- Fascism
- Generation TidePod
- Good guys with guns
- Graphical User Interface
- Gun Quotes
- How the West Was Won
- Inside Macintosh
- Institutional Racism
- Iraq War
- Joe McCarthy
- The Jungle
- Kent State
- Abraham Lincoln
- Magazine Limits
- Mass shootings stopped by armed civilians
- Barack Obama
- Obama’s post-partisan timeline
- Origins of the Internet
- PCs 20 year anniversary
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt
- Russian Spies in the McCarthy Era
- Bernie Sanders
- Slavery and the New Deal
- The American Revolution
- The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy
- Thought Crime
- Trump is Hamilton
- Vietnam
- Who lost the Vietnam War?
- Who won the Vietnam War?
- Why did IBM choose DOS?
- Why we fought the Vietnam War
🔗 More
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