
From iGeek

Here are other countries with strict gun-control, and how well they deal with mass murder/massacres, and so on.

Mass_Murders, Others • [7 items]

Sri Lanka Easter Attack2019, 2019
Victims: 740 (290 / 450)
Tools: Bombs
🇱🇰 Colombo, Sri Lanka: After ignoring warnings, 8 blasts hit 3 churches and Hotels in an Islamic Terror attack on Christians during Easter mass. Much of the media couldn't bring themselves to say Islamic Terrorism or Christian victims. Clinton and Obama colluded to shit-tweet a new term, "Easter Worshipers", in order to avoid saying "Christians". Cause: ☪️ Islamic Terrorism
Motive: ⬅️ Left
🚫 Strict Gun Control
Norway Attacks (2011)2011
Victims: 406 (77 / 319)
Tools: Hunting Rifle, Bombs
Anders Breivik (32) - 🇳🇴 Utøya, Norway: after planning for 9 years, writing a 1,500 page manifesto, an anti-immigrant nationalist set-off bombs in Oslo, and then took a ferry to an island (Utøya) and sniped at kids for 1 hour and 12 minutes before the police arrived and he surrendered without resistance. When seconds count, the cops are just 1 hour and 12 minutes away. Cause: Green Nationalism (GRT)
Motive: ⬅️ Left
🚫 Strict Gun Control
Daegu subway fire2003
Victims: 343 (192 / 151)
Tools: Arson
Kim Dae-han (56) - Post stroke, partly paralyzed, unemployed taxi driver, was dissatisfied with his medical treatment, angry and depressed. So he took a train with Milk cartons full of gasoline, and sets it alight; killing 192, and injuring 151 more. He failed at killing himself, was sentenced to life in prison, and died a year later, from inadequate medical treatment. Cause: Revenge
Motive: Attempted Suicide
🚫 Gun Free Zone
Malaysia Flight 3702014
Victims: 239 (239 / 0)
Tools: Airplane
Zaharie Ahmad (53) - While flying from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Beijing, China, the 777-200ER did weird maneuvers, headed in a wrong direction, and once RADAR contact was lost, it disappeared. Debris washed up in western Indian Ocean. Suicide by Captain Zaharie Ahmad is expected (and was having marital problems). Cause: 🤪 Mental Health
Motive: Suicide
🚫 Strict Gun Control
Uiryeong massacre1982
Victims: 92 (57 / 35)
Tools: Rifles, Grenades
Woo Bum-kon (27) - 🇰🇷 Woo got drunk, had a fight with his girlfriend, stole grenades and guns from an armory, and went home to home using his identity as a Police officer to gain entry and kill everyone in the house. It took ≈6 hours for the cops to catch up to him, and he killed himself with grenades. Cause: Govt (Policeman)
Motive: ❓Unknown
🚫 Strict Gun Control
Christchurch Shooting2019
Victims: 91 (51 / 40)
Tools: Assault Weapon, Shotgun
Brenton Tarrant (28) - 🇳🇿 A Green Nationalist (eco-Fascist), who hates Capitalism, Conservatism, and is Chinese Communist sympathizer. He doesn't like Trump, shot "muslim invaders" because immigrants were over-populating the planet and causing Global Warming, and used a gun instead of bombs, because he felt the left-wing gun-controllers would be his tools and magnify his message, and start a civil war trying to disarm honest citizens. The left ignores that, and spins it as he is a right-winger., Left wing eco-nationalist shot-up mosques because immigrants were over-populating the planet and causing Global Warming. Cause: Green Nationalism (GRT)
Motive: ⬅️ Left
🚫 Gun Free Zone
Stopped by Good guy with a gun
Toronto van attack2018
Victims: 26 (10 / 16)
Tools: Truck (Rental Van)
Alek Minassian (25) - Ex military man (for a few weeks) and Software developer drove a rented van through the North York City Centre business district, deliberately targeting pedestrians, killing 10 and injuring (some critically) 16 more. He tried to provoke an officer into killing him (commit suicide-by-cop), but this was Canada. His reasoning was he was Incel (involuntary celibate) and envious of men for getting sex when he couldn't, and mad a Women for not putting out. Cause: 🤪 Mental Health
Motive: Incel / Revenge
🚫 Strict Gun Control



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Mass Murder by Country
List of mass murders by country to give an idea that different countries have different problems: but gun control does not cure problems.

Tags: Others  Mass Murder by Country

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