Mississippi v Jackson Health - Leak
The Roe ruling leak proves why Roe needs to be overturned. Politicizing the court, undermines the rule of law.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-05-03 |
- Roe v Wade was bad law. Every legal review admits that (a) there was nothing in the 14th that gave Blackmun a legitimate excuse to imagine in law that hadn't existed before (b) it divided the nation and undermined the constitution (c) the longer it festered the worst it is for the nation. This is our generations Dredd Scott.
- The progressive left has a history of Politicizing the Supreme Court. The right believes the court is boring contract law, interpreting what was written/intended. The left imagines in 9 oligarchs getting to further leftist causes by imagining a "Living Document" and what the contract/law should have intended, not what it actually said. But we don't need an unelected co-legislative branch polarizing/politicizing what has already been legislated. This is a second bite at the apple of progressive injustice.
- In that context, someone on the left Leaked that Roe was going to be overturned, and the first draft of the decision. Any real journalistic organization would have put a single source as uncredible compared to the needs of the nation and interests of Journalism. Fortunately for the leaker, Politico doesn't have any journalistic standards, and published anyways. Leftism and opportunism trumps professionalism and duty to protect Americas institutions/honor. [1]
- The Leak is a huge problem and proves that in order to de-politicize the court and save the nation from progressive ruin, we need to crush Roe and the left side of the court. Not compromise, but destroy the whole idea that this is where the next generation of activists should focus their attention. Our courts are NOT for sale for dark money, for political bullying, and for progressive intimidation. If we can't protect the court, the nation is lost.
- The Ignoratti are claiming that the majority are upset. (1) This is false. (2) Most of those upset over this are ignorant, or fighting for lawlessness and the end of the nation.
- (1a) Traditional polling, most people when asked agree that states should be able to set the standards for when someone gets an abortion or not, and the majority are against how far it's gone (and would put MORE restrictions on abortion). So if you ask the public if they're OK with allowing their state to set the standards for abortion (that this does NOTHING to outlaw abortion in their state), most would be OK with it.
- (1b) If you ask them would they like more or less restrictions, the majority of people in the majority of states want more.
- (2) So the majority of people outraged are the folks that don't understand that this won't impact them in their leftist states. Thus they're only mad that they don't get to tell women in red states what they can do with their bodies.
- Of course the left is going ape-shit and calling for violence over the high crime of putting the Constitution and their Duties above the latest leftist extremist fad. So the violence that comes from the advance protests can be put on the leaker. And the organization of violence that will happened after the decision can partly be blamed, since there's now advance warning to organize their insurrection, while Biden's DOJ keeps investigating parents for the crimes of opposing Gender Activism or CRT in schools. The left's leaders including Newsome, Warren, Biden are calling for violence. [2]
- Newsom claims that California will build a firewall to protect abortion in California. Does that retard not understand that reversing Roe+Casey does nothing to override California or any state, it just says that's it's always been a states right issue. Either Newsom is a legal moron, or worse, he knows that this decision does nothing, but he's trying to inflame his base based on a fraud. If California government had anyone with integrity left, they'd impeach/sanction Newsom for this stupidity. [3]
- Hollywood lost their minds a few generations ago, but they're once again exposing their legal, logical, and national illiteracy by having tantrums. [4]
- Roberts was working on not killing Roe, just limiting the scope (as the feckless politician he is). But the leak killed those negotiations and cemented the ruling against Roe. Since it is expected the leak came from the left, this is another case of them shooting themselves in the foot, and not thinking through consequences of their actions. [5]
Opinion[edit | edit source]
This goes to show the vile nature of the left. They do not care about the rule of law, ethics, duty -- just agenda. This applies both to Politico for never questioning their journalistic responsibility to NOT publish, and for whoever leaked it, which is 99% chance of being a progressive activists with an axe to grind.
If it was a Clerk, I hope they are fired, disbarred and never allowed to work in Law again, and their justice will get the taint of having picked poorly. And it will work against them a little bit, as the others will be more cautious about trusting them.
If it was a Justice, I hope they do not get fired. While it's 10x worse if it was a justice, or there's ever any evidence the Justice approved it, they will have destroyed their credibility and trustability on the court, and the credibility of the progressive side of the court (assuming it came from there). Which is good for the Constitutional side of the court, as they can stop caring about the other sides feelings and stick with the law.
So letting the traitorous Justice stay as a dead latina woman walking, and having far less influence, and undermined the influence of their side? That might be a better victory, than throwing them off. (And I'm not sure you can throw them out - but you can cut them out of every important decision from now on). And if they are thrown off, they need to be thrown off by their side -- and have THEIR side admit that it was shameful, and undermined their integrity. The right side of the court should just sit back and let them wallow in their own filth if they let her stay, until they admit that She shit the bed. Since the left is incapable of admitting their mistakes, she'll get to finish her lifetime appointment, reminding what the left does and does not stand for.
If this story is true, the Court should issue its opinion right away. Otherwise the disgraceful leak wins (pressure and rage foments, plans for violence will get made, and the tantums and insurrection will get in full swing). (If you want to talk about insurrection, while the left thinks a unauthorized tour of Congress is an insurrection, in the real world, it's trying to overthrow/overrule a branch of government through violence and intimidation. Like this). If we lose the integrity of the Court’s process, we lose the Court. Since we already lost the integrity of the Presidency and Legislative branches to the far left, this is the last hill to die on. That should be intolerable those who value the counrty and what it stands for (the left need not apply).
The anti-American Joe Biden is already pre-flighting overriding the Supreme Court and throwing fuel on the fire with comments about how a right to murder babies is a woman's right, and he disagrees with a co-equal branch of government that knows more about the law that our Liar in Chief does. [6]
There's rumors that the Dread Pirate Roberts wants to rob long overdue justice from the people, and not uphold his civic/Constitutional/moral duty... or at least to try to find a compromise with rapists (could we settle for a blowjob?). Since he's not the deciding vote, it doesn't matter much. But the problem here is that Roberts is politicizing the court. Either you respect the law and original intent, or you respect your politics/agenda over the law. Roberts isn't dedicated to the religion of leftism and forcing abortion on a nation that doesn't want it, but his religion is saving the image of the court, by ruining it (politicizing it, and trying to find political compromise, instead of doing his job and looking at what the law demands). [7]
The good news is that while Roberts amorality on politics of the law works against a principled jurist, it works OK when it comes to investigating the leaker, and holding them accountable. They disgraced the court, and upholding the honor of the court (even when he's shitting on it), is his currency/religion. So he's "thinking" of calling the FBI on the leaker, and leaking that he's thinking of doing that (destroying the moral high ground of even that decision). [8]
Rumors are the leaker is a Sotomayor clerk (Amit Jain), which makes sense from a political point of view, of both Jain, Sotomayor, and ties to the Politico reporter, and Sotomayors history of leaking in the past. And of course Jain's rabid opinions of the past that would have disqualified her from working for any respectable Justice. [9]
This leak is not surprising because the majority of Supreme Court Clerks are coming from far left institutions like Harvard and Yale, where this kind of knife-in-the-back, hypocritical double-standard stuff, is what's being taught in those instutitions. Thus the leak should be an embarassment for the University the leaker attended, at least. It should also cause some major reforms to prevent graduating anyone with morals as low as the leaker.
👁️ See also
- Abortion - Abortion is a deeply personal view, but someone's views on it is a window into their soul.
- Abortion/Toastmasters - I did a toastmasters speech (2008) on my views on Abortion.
- Abortion/Life or Choice breakdown - The majority of Americans are both for and against abortion. Most want it more restricted, but legal (in some cases).
- Abortion/By Party - General support/opposition for abortion is nearly the same across parties.
- Abortion/By Term - The vast majority of Americans want more restrictions.
- Abortion/Number per Year - ≈800K abortions per year, or twice as many American deaths as WWII.
- Abortion/By Ethnicity - Margaret Sanger founded planned parenthood on the idea of exterminating inferior brown babies, so they'd stop outbreeding white ones.
- Abortion/Why? - Abortion for Health of Mother (2.8%), Health of Fetus (3.3%), or rape/incest (>1%), total = <6%.
- Abortion/Why late term? - The vast majority of late term abortions are not about "Fetal Problems", or "health of the mother". It's irresponsibility.
- Abortion Limits - The far left lies, and pretends any reasonable restriction is a "war on reproductive rights".
- Roe v. Wade - Roe v. Wade fits my personal beliefs (1st Trimester legal, 3rd illegal), but it was a lousy and Unconstitutional ruling.
- Roe is Judicial Activism - "Blackmun’s papers vindicate every indictment of Roe: invention, overreach, arbitrariness, textual indifference"
- Roe v. 10th and 11th Amendments - The dissenting opinion pointed out that the 10th and 11th both disagreed with Blackmun's interpretation of the 14th.
- Roe v. 14th Amendment - Blackmun used 14th Amendment as an excuse for enacting Roe. But the authors, ratifiers, others never noticed it before.
- Roe v. Legal Review - No Legal Review has ever come up with a substantive defense of Roe. Which is why the distract with whataboutism.
- Planned Parenthood - Planned Parenthood is an abortion mill wrapped in the facade of being about Women's healthcare.
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🔗 Links
- The Draft: https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000180-874f-dd36-a38c-c74f98520000
- https://legalinsurrection.com/2022/05/leaked-draft-supreme-court-opinion-overturns-roe-v-wade-politico-reports/
- https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/05/02/us/roe-v-wade-abortion-supreme-court#roe-v-wade-abortion-supreme-court
- https://redstate.com/jenniferoo/2022/05/02/politico-plays-headline-sleight-of-hand-tries-to-pre-game-scotus-decision-on-abortion-n559061
- Original Roe was leaked as well: https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2022/05/02/leak-time-magazine-roe-wade/
- https://hotair.com/ed-morrissey/2022/05/02/breaking-scotus-draft-leaks-shows-5-3-for-overturning-roe-n466541
- https://redstate.com/joesquire/2022/05/03/the-destruction-of-the-supreme-court-n559094
- https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2022/06/24/read-it-heres-the-supreme-courts-basis-for-overruling-roe-and-casey-n2609277
Tags: Dobbs
- ↑ https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/02/supreme-court-abortion-draft-opinion-00029473
- ↑ There will be violence, it's what the left stands for:
- https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2022/05/03/the-roe-protests-outside-the-supreme-court-are-likely-a-preview-of-the-future-n466557
- https://twitter.com/ZTPetrizzo/status/1521326052722843648
- https://legalinsurrection.com/2022/05/expand-the-supreme-court-the-left-goes-crazy-because-roe-v-wade-might-go-away/
- ↑ Newsom: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/05/03/california-to-build-the-wall-a-firewall-to-protect-abortion/
- ↑ Hollywood: https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2022/05/02/hollywood-celebrities-explode-over-leaked-decision-previewing-roe-v-wade-overturned-those-motherfkers-really-did-it/
- ↑ Leak killed Roe:
- https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2022/07/26/report-supreme-court-leak-doomed-justice-roberts-plans-to-preserve-roe-n2610804
- https://hotair.com/headlines/2022/07/26/the-inside-story-of-how-john-roberts-failed-to-save-abortion-rights-n485226
- https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/26/politics/supreme-court-john-roberts-abortion-dobbs/index.html
- ↑ https://legalinsurrection.com/2022/05/biden-i-believe-that-a-womans-right-to-choose-is-fundamental/
- ↑ Roberts waffling:
- ↑ Roberts FBI:
- ↑ Leaker Reveal:
- https://twitchy.com/samj-3930/2022/05/03/big-if-true-people-are-pointing-fingers-at-this-supreme-court-justice-sonia-sotomayor-clerk-in-relation-to-scotus-leak/
- https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2018/07/11/yale-students-and-alumni-blast-law-school-for-praising-brett-kavanaugh-trumps-choice-for-supreme-court/
- https://www.npr.org/2022/01/18/1073428376/supreme-court-justices-arent-scorpions-but-not-happy-campers-either