A wacky corporate culture, far left programming, some interesting shows, and some silly corporate policies/actions.
~ Aristotle Sabouni |
Companies that build their brand on woke slacktivism (symbolic woke asshattery), deserve a little dose of eye-rolls and mocking. I prefer to keep my business and religions separate.
- 2018.03.29 Benghazi Bullshitter Boardmember - The bullshitter on Benghazi, Susan Rice, was named to Netflix Board of Directors. Reed Hastings said he was “delighted to welcome”, Barack Obama's aide who blamed the murders of four Americans in Benghazi on an obscure YouTube video, knowing full well it had absolutely nothing to do with that. Then got involved in illegally spying and unmasking American citizens. Hey, to each their own. But this seems to me to have the optics of putting Michael Vick on the board of the ASPCA.
- 2018.10.28 Unbalanced - 141:1 - They're young, they're dumb, they're hyper-alphas in the Bay Area and Hollywood -- so I wouldn't expect anything less that hyper-bias behavior. And their political donations reflect that with $190,592 in donations to Democrats, while only $1,350 to Republicans. Shhh... don't tell them, you might hurt their feels... but that's not what intellectual diversity looks like.
- 2019.04.18 Chick Flick - In the continuing war on language and common sense, Netflix has announced that they're so woke that they banned the term, "Chick Flick", because feminism or some such bullshit. 🙄
- Ancient Apocalypse (2022) - An interesting Historical Pseudo Documentary that feels like one of the Ancient Mysteries type shows. People call it Pseudoarchaeology because he's combining evidence with speculation in ways that "the establishment" doesn't like. (Unless they do it). Interesting as entertainment, and fun hypothesis... weaker as pure science.
- Baking Impossible (2021) - If you ever thought to yourself, I need to make a cake can be driven, or saw a drawbridge and thought, "I'd like to see a cake do that", and you want to see it in a competition reality show, then Baking Impossible is the show for you.
- Cuties - The outrage got us to watch the Netflix show “Cuties“. It was played up as the poster film for kiddie porn. While I wouldn't recommend it (it wasn't very "good"), but it wasn't quite as bad as the hype either. Netflix may or may not be run by assholes, but compared to Pretty Baby, Lolita and things before it, it was pretty tame.
- Dave Chapelle:The Closer - The last of 6 comedy specials done for Netflix. Chappelle is a comedian that has stood up to the woke mob and not capitulated to political correctness -- so they hate him. Reviewers trashed it, viewers loved it)
- Netflix -
- Pepsi, Where's my Jet? (2022) - An amusing Documentary on a "Win a Harrier" promotion by Pepsi, and the resulting lawsuit. Pepsi claims it was a joke, but removed disclaimers and made it look attainable. The side stories about the kid, his mentor, and scumbag Lawyer Avanatti all make the 4 episodes go by very quickly.
Woke[edit | edit source]
- In the continuing war on language and common sense, Netflix has announced that they're so woke that they banned the term, "Chick Flick", because feminism or some such bullshit. [1]
- Because North Carolina passed a common sense law that said no dicks in the girls bathrooms (unless someone has gone and got their gender changed at the DMV), Netflix decided to go woke-slacktivist and boycotted the state... while still doing business with far worse abusers (Middle East, China, etc). I don't care what side of the issue you're on, just leave reasonable people room to disagree. Sanctimonious and hypocritical douche (boycott) looks bad on everyone. [2]
- 2018 - Their political donations were $190,592 (D) versus $1,350 (R). While they are in the Bay Area, that's not what intellectual diversity looks like. Facebook and Google are less biased. [3]
- Benghazi Bullshitter - Susan Rice, was named to Netflix Board of Directors. Reed Hastings said he was “delighted to welcome”, Barack Obama's aide who blamed the murders of four Americans in Benghazi on an obscure YouTube video, knowing full well it had absolutely nothing to do with that. She also got involved in illegally spying and unmasking American citizens. The optics of the ASPCA putting Michael Vick on the board of directors. [4]
- Fat Payola - Netflix gives ammatures Barack and Michelle Obama $65 million in a multi-year propaganda production deal as thanks for undermining America for 8 years. [5]
- Netflix blames password sharing for it's losses (something that's been happening since they started). Raising prices, woke programming, lower content, more competition, bad UI, all offer better explanations. [6]
Anti-Woke[edit | edit source]
Netflix pulled back from their GWGB positions, and their stock rebounded.
"The Worst Appears Behind It"... After Netflix started firing employees (or encouraging them to leave) if they were going to keep wokifying their content and policies, and once they showed they put entertainment and customers above Woke Agendas, their stock rebounded mightily.
Recovery? |
Shows[edit | edit source]
Netflix, Reviews • [5 items]
Ancient Apocalypse (2022) |
An interesting Historical Pseudo Documentary that feels like one of the Ancient Mysteries type shows. People call it Pseudoarchaeology because he's combining evidence with speculation in ways that "the establishment" doesn't like. (Unless they do it). Interesting as entertainment, and fun hypothesis... weaker as pure science. |
Baking Impossible (2021) |
If you ever thought to yourself, I need to make a cake can be driven, or saw a drawbridge and thought, "I'd like to see a cake do that", and you want to see it in a competition reality show, then Baking Impossible is the show for you. |
Cuties |
The outrage got us to watch the Netflix show “Cuties“. It was played up as the poster film for kiddie porn. While I wouldn't recommend it (it wasn't very "good"), but it wasn't quite as bad as the hype either. Netflix may or may not be run by assholes, but compared to Pretty Baby, Lolita and things before it, it was pretty tame. |
Dave Chapelle:The Closer |
The last of 6 comedy specials done for Netflix. Chappelle is a comedian that has stood up to the woke mob and not capitulated to political correctness -- so they hate him. Reviewers trashed it, viewers loved it) |
Pepsi, Where's my Jet? (2022) |
An amusing Documentary on a "Win a Harrier" promotion by Pepsi, and the resulting lawsuit. Pepsi claims it was a joke, but removed disclaimers and made it look attainable. The side stories about the kid, his mentor, and scumbag Lawyer Avanatti all make the 4 episodes go by very quickly. |
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Tags: Organizations Organizations/Woke Organizations/Tech Organizations/TBD