First Amendment

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The left opposes Free Speech, Freedom of Religion, or "Hate Speech" and Disinformation, which is anything they don't like.
The left loves Free Speech and Freedom of Religion, unless it's "Hate Speech" or "Disinformation", which is anything they disagree with. Or Christian displays, prayer in school, corporations supporting the other side in political ads, disagreeing with Global Warming, admitting Islamic Terrorists exists, or that Chromosomes define gender not feelings, and so on.
ℹ️ Info          
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-04-03 
Left Right
The left loves freedom of speech, the Press, Religion, and right to assemble... Unless you're talking about Global Warming, hate speech, or Christians trying to pray (or not pay for other people's abortions), or a conservative us trying to talk on College campus, or a right wing organization is buying a TV ad during a campaign (Citizens United), or anything else they don't like... and they don't like a lot.
❝ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. ❞
~ First Amendment to the United States Constitution ℹ️

The First Amendment (1A) is really a lot of different things:

  1. no establishment of a federal religion (they did have state religions)
  2. or prohibiting the free exercise thereof (including in government meetings)
  3. freedom of speech (especially hate speech)
  4. or of the press
  5. or the right of the people peaceably to assemble
  6. or to petition the Government for a redress of grievances

I can think of no part of that, that the left hasn't opposed to some degree.

U.S. Examples[edit | edit source]

Now let's list just a few of the examples of how the left (especially progressive left) has virtually always opposed the 1A when it suits them:

  • Climate skeptics denied free speech - When the facts are in the way of a leftist agenda, they want to suppress the facts, and people that speak them. If they cared about the whole truth, they wouldn't fear the other side; they know the facts would come out, and their side would win. They either don't trust people, or they don't trust the facts... or both. That's why the silence skeptics.
  • Corporate Personhood & Citizens United - Many on the left claim that Citizens United created/invented Corporate Personhood, and that this makes Corporations People, and this new power puts our political system "up for sale". They're wrong on all counts. It just said that Unions, Government, Churches, businesses, marriages and other "corporations", would all be treated the same. The lying left hates that.
  • FISA - Democrats created FISA (passed under Carter) to tap phones and read people's email. They screamed when Bush extended it to tap foreigners and look for terrorists, but they were silent when Obama abused it to tap Reporters or Trump.
  • Fire in a crowded theater - Too few remember the context: Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., invented the line, "yelling fire in a crowded theater" to uphold the illegal persecution of an immigrant who was passing out anti-WWI fliers, under an illegal Espionage Act, in Schenck v. United States.
  • Hate Speech - The left claims they only want to ban things like "Hate Speech" or "Fake News", but the First Amendment wasn't written to defend the speech or TV/Radio channels that you like/agree with.
  • License for Free Porn - Licensing is when the government takes your liberty away, and then sells/leases it back to you. Like the UK did with free Porn. For £4.99, you can buy a porn card (for each device), to allow you to watch free porn. Now they say it is for protecting the kids, but since there will be a black market for those cards, it really won't stop them.
  • Licensing and Regulation - These are where Government takes your rights away.... and then will sell (lease) your liberty back to you, if you follow their rules and pay their protection money. It is a tool of force, to bully you into compliance, or to create protected markets that only the authoritarians control.
  • Mother Teresa quote twitter blocked as a hate speech - Mother Teresa, "Abortion is profoundly anti-women. Three quarters of its victims are women: half the babies and all the mothers." That was blocked by Twitter as hate speech. Seriously. When asked by Ted Cruz, they refused to admit so, but said the context mattered. How is one saints opinion hate speech? Imagine all the biblical or Koranic quotes that need to be purged!
  • Net Neutrality - We had no net neutrality for the first 60+ years of networking, the Obama admin invented a few "regulations" in 2015 to protect us from liberty (imaginary demons under the bed and non-problems that weren't happening), and the left/media acts like repeal of that (liberty) will be going back to the slavery of 2015.
  • PayPal/Demonetizing Free Speech Union - PayPal shut down Free Speech Unions' accounts (demonetized them) for the high crime of believing in Free Speech. They also shut down Gays Against Groomers, and Daily Sceptic, for speaking against the sexualization and indoctrination of children. They claim being against grooming is hate speech because MAP's (Pedophiles / Minor Attracted Persons) deserve tolerance.
  • Photos of guns are not criminal acts - To show how absurd the leftist PC movement is getting in our schools, two male students (Lacey Township High School, New Jersey) did a weekend run range trip and posted non-threatening photos to Snapchat, with the caption, "if there's ever a zombie apocalypse, you know where to go."
  • Propaganda Ministries - Who created the Propaganda Ministries in WWI and WWII to control the messaging? Progressive Democrats.
  • Social Media Censorship - Left-leaning tech companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, Instagram are the ones that are most likely to censor/filter what the public sees... in the name of free speech of course. But they got our data by promising to be fair, non-partisan and for freedom of information: things that all turned out to be lies.
  • Speech Codes - Universities are some of the most leftist places in the country... and they're where we invented speech codes (things you can't say because it might be a micro-aggression that offends someone), and politically correct safe spaces, and so on. They tolerate banning conservatives from speaking there, or attacking them if they do.
  • Speech intolerance - Leftist groups like Antifa, BLM, Occupy, SPLC, and so on, bully others and try to shut down the other side's ability to be heard. If you can't admit that, you're not up for an adult conversation. If you can admit that, then you have to admit that the left (in America) is far more intolerant of speech than the right.
  • Statuary Rape - There is no "hate speech" exclusion for the first amendment (1A). Destroying public property (vandalism) because it "offends you", is no exception. And if you start destroying others tributes, then why should any be allowed? Before you grease any slippery slope, you might be wise to ask, "what's at the bottom?"

No 1A[edit | edit source]

Worse than abuses of the 1A in the U.S. (which will often be fought and eventually won), in other countries they don't really have a 1A. They don't have a right to free speech, they sort of have a privilege granted, and that can be selectively taken away. Here's some NOT 1A examples:

  • 2016.10.05 EU suppresses terrorists religion - Freedom of speech means power to suppress in the EU: The EU Human rights chief order the UK Press to stop reporting if terrorists were Muslims, they flag the truth as hate speech (intolerance) and will come and get you. And you wonder why Brexit?
  • 2018.07 Mandatory Field Trips - Germany: Hamburger Morgenpost reports that parents who opted their kid out of a field trip to a Mosque, can be fined (50€). Your kids are wards of the state, Parents are just there to raise the little minions in a state-approved manner. The state owns children, not parents.
  • German Free Speech - 🇩🇪Germany: "Free Speech" is an oxymoron. Free speech/expression means freedom to say/do things I dislike. Germans don’t have that. Everything is by permission, and many things aren’t allowed.
  • Global Massacres/Christchurch Shooting - 🇳🇿 A Green Nationalist (eco-Fascist), who hates Capitalism, Conservatism, and is Chinese Communist sympathizer. He doesn't like Trump, shot "muslim invaders" because immigrants were over-populating the planet and causing Global Warming, and used a gun instead of bombs, because he felt the left-wing gun-controllers would be his tools and magnify his message, and start a civil war trying to disarm honest citizens. The left ignores that, and spins it as he is a right-winger., Left wing eco-nationalist shot-up mosques because immigrants were over-populating the planet and causing Global Warming.


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The Left Lies
When the truth disagrees with your agenda, you can grow (change) or lie. The left usually chooses the latter.

U.S. Constitution
America wrote the first and best Constitution in the world.

List all the articles that have work to be done on them.

This section is about laws, legal, court rulings.

Two different Americas: one that's striving for more liberty, and another that's striving for less.

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Tags: Left Lies  Constitution  TBD  Laws  Alt-Liberty

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