California Intolerance

From iGeek
The most fascist place in the U.S.
Here's a light sampling of articles that show why I feel like California is the least tolerant place I've lived in the U.S., or globe. California is great with people they agree with. But how you treat people that you disagree with is tolerance. There they are ignorant and arrogant assholes, and you can see it in the culture, manners and laws.
ℹ️ Info          
~ Aristotle Sabouni

Every law/regulation/tax is the point where they're saying "fit in, or get out".

Facts[edit | edit source]

  • 2020 - Eminent Domain - L.A. tried to steal private property from landlord for the crime of raising rent to market value. [1]
  • 2019.07.18 - Berkeley "de-genderized" the city; replacing terms like 'Manhole' with personhole, 'Ombudsman' with ombudsperson. Rational humans who understand english know that man is male or all people depending on context (english is not gendered). The purpose of this B.S. is not inclusion, it is wasting taxpayers money (by force), virtue signaling, with a side of intentional alienation and exclusion of those that won't go along with the charade. [2]
  • 2019 - UCSC (University of California, Santa Cruz) removied “Spanish Mission” bells that were used between 1769 and 1833 from the Campus (major historical artifacts), because the Woke Taliban crybullied them away in the name of California Natives that never cared. [3]
  • 2019 - Unlicensed Popcorn - A hardware store gave out popcorn while you shopped for 25 years. But thank goodness California Bureaucrats found out about that illegal food dispensery and stopped it to save us all. [4]
  • 2019 - gave 1,000 new Laws. [5]
  • 2018 - added 800 new Laws, like: [6]
    • you can't report criminals to the fed if they're here illegally (SB54)
    • a fine for refinancing your home loan (SB2)
    • more voter fraud with mail-in ballots (SB450)
    • you must wear your seatbelt while riding the bus (SB20).

  • Arizona SB-1070 - The Obama Administration (2010) violated the Constitution/Presidential duties to undermine legally passed immigration law. Arizona passed SB-1070 to enforce the law. Fake Justices on the Supreme Court used obscure "preemption" as an excuse to ignore the context and block it (AZ was enforcing federal law the Obama exec order was subverting it). California mocked/attacked AZ and supporters, despite having had the same law on their books for a decade.
  • Licensing and Regulation - These are where Government takes your rights away.... and then will sell (lease) your liberty back to you, if you follow their rules and pay their protection money. It is a tool of force, to bully you into compliance, or to create protected markets that only the authoritarians control.
  • Peruta v. San Diego - California was one of only 10 "May-issue" Conceal and Carry permits states (as opposed to "Shall-Issue"). Which means they can choose to use the "good cause" as an excuse to set impossible standards that no one other than the politically connected or big police donors, to meet the standards. E.g. they violate the letter/intent of the 2A.
  • Plastic Bag Bans - Plastic Bag Bans are Anti-Science. Cloth bags carry disease and takes hundreds or thousands of uses to hit break-even, but they break down after about ≈50 uses. So reusable bags are bad for the environment, bad for people (sickness), and most of all, it bad for liberty/tolerance (trusting people to make their own choices): it teaches conformity over common sense.
  • Ruger 5.7 - The 5.7 round was created by FN in the late 80's as a replacement for NATO and the 9mm. But NATO went a different way, and it's sort of only had a niche following. But I was reading about it, and bought a sidearm chambered in it, and am quite a fan (for a sidearm).
  • San Jose Tea Party Rally (2010) - April 2010, I walked from work to a Tea Party Rally in San Jose. It was tame, civil, and the crazies were sock puppet Democrats pretending to be Tea Partiers, so the media interviewed them, and cut out the signs that said, "he's not with us". The Tea Party was not what the media pretended, and that helped remind me how dishonest/Anti-American the media has become.
  • Straw Bans - Banning Plastic Straws (and cocktail sticks) is ignorance-based virtue signaling. 10 rivers (8 in Asia, 2 in Africa) are responsible for 95% of the plastic pollution in the Oceans. The rest of the world is 5%; the U.S. ranks 20th on that list. California decided that banning plastic straws would help with 0.002% of the problem, so they're willing to annoy everyone for a symbolic cause with no benefit and significant harm.

  • Breaking Bad: California vs. the Other States - Here’s a depressing but documented comparison of California's taxes, economic and business climate. (Circa 2019) But the basics haven't changed. When COVID hit, and it allowed more people to work from anywhere (or be unemployed anywhere) -- mass emmigration waves eminated from the People's Republic of Gavinistan. These were part of the reasons.
  • California Coastal Commission - The CCC is what happens when community organizers run development planning: they claim, "To protect, conserve, restore, and enhance the environment of the California coastline" by obstructing development and improvement of one of our countries great resources, saving it from humanity and the usefulness it might have to individuals or our country.
  • California Guns - Californians are mostly ignorant of guns, and thus they hate them, and if they don't like/want them, then nobody can have them. So they will dream up new techniques to harass legal gun owners, and violate the second amendment, lose in court, then repeat -- knowing it'll take 5-10 years to get each bad law repealed. It's the way of the dickhead.
  • California Resistance - Hillary Clinton was the worst Candidate in my lifetime (until Biden). She lost. California Tantrumed. It's always other people's fault. Nevermind she was a rape facilitating, corrupt, shrew, whose base assaulted the other side, she tried to win by rumor mongering about "Russia", and wasn't in prison because the FBI claimed she was too incompetent to be held accountable.
  • California Tax Priority - California increased capital spending for roads and bridges at 3x inflation (for 30 years). They claim that wasn't enough. It was plenty. What happened is that to little of the money tagged for roads and bridges got diverted into other things, or was spent poorly. The problem isn't some "Shortfall" they claim, it was managerial incompetence and corruption.
  • California Tax Tyranny - California had a problem with fascists tax-and-spend progressives -- so the public rebelled and made it required that politicians could only do major tax increases via the will of the people (they had to referendum things), and that these required supermajority (2/3rds) and not a simple majority. So they overtaxed some more (and whined that it was too hard to raise taxes).
  • California and CCW - California, or at least many counties in it, ignore the spirit and letter of the Conceal and Carry laws with impunity. They pick who can get a CCW based on their political contributions, and not the worthiness of the application. The State Legislature will do nothing about this. When you live in California, you don't live in America, because the Constitution doesn't apply.
  • Gender Neutral Toy Stores - If it wasn't for California, who would protect you from boys and girl departments? In the latest round of dumb-fuckery and failing to mind your own business, California legislators are passing laws to stop segregating their children’s products aisles by gender. Seriously, all the problems in the state (and world), and this is their highest priority.
  • Hunting is conservation - Hunting creates a vested interest in protecting wildlife, and the hunting licenses pay for that protection. In one of those not-shocking unintended consequences: hunters care about the outdoors, and pay a ton for access to forests and the tasty animals they take out. Places that allow hunting have more and better managed forests than those that don't.
  • Jesus Fucking Christ - Identity politics/dividing us for votes is not new. The left decided long ago that if the establishment believes X, it must be wrong (unless they're the establishment). Thus the norms are worthy of contempt and mocking, while proclaiming their sides superior tolerance, political correctness and respect. Aka the Hunky Jesus Contest.
  • Eric McCormack - Will, of Will and Grace TV show (who culturally appropriate his role away from a Gay actor) became a vocal conservative hater that said he didn't want intellectual diversity on his show (No Conservatives). Also that anyone that donates to conservatives should be outted/doxxed and harassed. Basically, he wants to bring back Hollywood blacklists.
  • Outlawing Car Repairs - Sacramento County says it's illegal to work on your own car, in your own garage!?!? WTF. This was over the County bullying a guy for working on his car, so you can't even pretend is just an old/stale law, as they are still fining based on it.
  • People v. Turner - Brock Turner is alleged to have molested a girl (they were both drunk, no evidence). The judge ruled exactly as the Parole Board suggested. The mob recalled/ruined the Judge (Aaron Persky) for following the state's guidelines and not destroying more of Brock's life (in the name of tolerance). No Justice in the face of angry know-nothing students.
  • Aaron Persky - Brock Turner is alleged to have molested a drunk girl (they were both drunk). The judge ruled exactly as the Parole Board suggested. The mob blamed the Judge (Aaron Persky) for following the state's guidelines and the law, and he was recalled and ruined as well. No Justice in the face of angry know-nothing students.
  • Redacted High School - In San Francisco's George Washington High School, the board voted to remove the mural of their namesake (and 13 others), painted in 1936 by artist Victor Arnautoff (Trotskyite), because it was visually offensive. The 80-year-old mural has survived great earthquakes, riots, vagrants, and all the other natural disasters, but it can't stand up to the California Taliban.
  • SF Giants - Aubrey Huff, SF Giants first basemen and outfielder, and the most valuable player that brought them to 2010 World Series, publicly supported Donald Trump. For that, the Giants Management decided to NOT invite him to their reunion. Spousal abuse by Larry Baer is a forgivable sin to the Giants, but being a Trump fan is not.
  • Sanctuary City - A Sanctuary City is where the city will release fugitives into the public rather than risk repeat-felons being imprisoned or deported for federal crimes. ICE only has time/resources to go after felonious immigrants, and Sanctuary Cities protect them, and say the laws that apply to everyone else, don't apply to them.
  • Seatbelt Laws - If you don't wear a device that the state demands, they will take your property, liberty, or life (if you resist). The fact that most of the time the seatbelt helps, but in a few cases (fire, submersion, certain impact angles) it can hurt or kill you, doesn't matter. One size fits all, and progressives know what's for your own good better than you do.
  • Smoking - Persecuting smoking and smokers is a modern witch hunt among the left, as proven by the intolerance of progressive areas (California, Oregon, Washington, NY, Mass., etc). Of course that's anti-Science. While smoking isn't healthy it's not as unhealthy as a bad genes, not exercising, bad diet, or bad attitude (stress).
  • Stealth Tax Increase - California has laws that tax increases need to go through voters, so they cheat -- like this payroll tax increase. What they do, is they didn't change the rate, they eliminated the cap on how much you'd pay. Ergo, they raised taxes, but they don't call it that. But sane people do, since they pay more.
  • Stem Cell Research - Medical ethicists looked at fetal stem cell research (2001) and decided that using already harvested fetal strains (60 of them) was not furthering harm, but harvesting future embryos was more ethically questionable. So when Bush regulated at the federal level accordinly, California funded harvesting new strains to support unnecessary human experimentation.
  • Travel Bans - California tries to show they're the biggest crybully hypocrites with travel bans over various laws they don't like. And of course, the other states don't noitice or care. And California royalty like Newsom and others still go to the places they claim to have banned. It's only for the little people. In the name of caring.


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This article lists some of the intolerance, incompetence, and progressivism that have come to exemplify the Golden State.

Tags: California/tabs

  1. Eminent Domain:
  2. De-genderization:
  3. UCSC Mission Bells:
  4. Unlicensed Popcorn:
  5. Califascism 2019:
  6. Califascism 2018:
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