Frequently Asked Questions (and answers) about Guns, or the Gun Control debate.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-07-21 |
Conclusion[edit | edit source]
Again, the reason that gun advocates argue with facts is that the facts support their arguments. The reason that gun controllers use appeal to emotion, word games, semantic tricks, math tricks, and so on, is because the facts and logic does not support their arguments. They're left with the choice of learn and grow to be better humans, or double down and play gotcha in order to win an argument, and lose on the causes they claim to care about.
Gun control is a losing battle in the U.S. You can't pass what they want, and even if you could get what the left really wants (door to door confiscation and complete bans), the best that would result in is civil war (insurrection) and violence for years. How is that a win? Their theory is that we would become safer, but when you look at the places they want to model us after, they aren't really safer, and what "safer" their is, is because of other reasons. So that's a hollow victory indeed. This is why most rank-and-file cops are not gun control advocates, but many politicians (their leaders and Police Chiefs) might me. Gun control is about people control, and is antithetical to living in a free society. }}
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