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  • 2018.01 Fire and Fury - Michael Wolff’s wrote a error-filled hit-piece of a book against Trump, with zero credibility, so CNN promoted it and fawned all over Wolff. (Something they never do for more factually correct conservative authors). CNN's Brian Stelter attacked the RNC for quoting him with, “Real factual errors … makes you wonder about the overall content"... then Stelter had to mea culpa, when they proved he had actually said it.
  • 2018.02 South Korean Olympics - There was fawning over the North Korean Brutal Dictator's (Kim Jong Un's) younger Sister (Kim Yo Jong) as the "Korean Ivanka". Adoration for the North Korean Cheerleaders (cheering for their lives). And they "Forgot" to remind the viewers that fascist dictators could always put on big displays (like Greek Columns for their inauguration, or proclamations of stopping the Ocean's rise).
  • 2018.02.02 Dossier Origins - Over a year and a half after the Steele Dossier was shown to be the creation of the Clinton campaign, Jim Sciutto at CNN is still repeating the lie that it was created by the Republicans. It's not just that they're wrong, it's that they lie well beyond when the facts prove them wrong.
  • 2018.02.08 Cody Shearer - CNN claims Cody Shearer (the private intel operative for Hillary Clinton, and the author of Dossier #2), was an "independent journalist." He hasn't been an active journalist in DECADES, this is like referring to Adolf Hitler as an artist.
  • 2018.02.28 Nunes Memo - The Republicans voted to release the Nunes memo which said that the FBI abused power and lied to the FISA court, and mislead the public. Democrats like House Speaker and serial liar Nancy Pelosi and their Media cried foul, and said the Nunes meme was making. The IG DOJ FBI Report and the House Transcripts fully vindicated Nunes and his memo, and proved Dems frauds and liars.
  • 2018.06.06 Melania Conspiracy Theories - Where's Melania? After undergoing kidney surgery, Mrs. Trump took a month off of public events. CNN fed the fire with stories about how, "she hasn't been seen in 24 days", "Where's Melania", on the station, twitter and in newsletters, and propagated FakeNews about her "plastic surgery", "she left him" or "moved back to NYC". Their defense was they were just repeating what they read on Twitter, as if that's where their journalistic line is drawn.
  • 2018.07 Supreme Court Politicization - To address the Kavanaugh confirmation problem with how the Democrats have been politicizing the Supreme Court (and Justice process) and undermining the Constitution since the turn of the 1900's, Jeffery Toobin tried to invent the excuse that it was because life expectancies had been increasing.
  • 2018.07.12 Immigration mistranslation - As part of a FakeNews series on Cagegate and child separations, CNN asks a mother how her son is doing in immigration detention. Her response in Spanish, "He's doing very well". What CNN translators claim she said, "She says he wants me to be with him. And prays to God to make the day shorter, so we can be together".
  • 2018.07.31 Avoiding Reporters - The media rightly accuses Trump of being an attention hound. Since "he's damned either way", Jeff Zeleny (WH Reporter for CNN), tweeted Trump had not taken questions from reporters in at least a week. (Something they never complained about under Obama). Then the facts/corrections came out that Trump had done a press conference (with Q&A) the day before. No retraction, apology or consequences for the mistake. This is CNN.
  • 2018.08 McCain memoriam - After smearing McCain during the 2008 election as mentally unfit, temper ridden, wife abuser, sexist, and so on, because he and Trump didn't get along, the media suddenly love McCain and spin everything as Trump slighting this wonderful war hero. McCain was a bitter little man that made sure the President or his running mate weren't invited, multiple people littered the funeral with petty barbs against Trump, and this is all Trump's fault.
  • 2018.09.23 Stacked Panel - CNN presented a panel of what "Republican women" (or Republican Voters) thought of the Kavanaugh hearing. 2 of the 6 were Republican operatives -- which is completely dishonest framing, a journalistic no-no.
  • 2018.12.22 Govt. Shutdown - The shutdown isn't FakeNews, but everything around it is. (a) people weren't missing paychecks for many weeks. (b) they pretend it is Republicans fault that Democrats won't play nice (c) this will be a catastrophe with huge human suffering (yawn) (d) they gloated that Trump's approval dropped, ignored that Pelosi and dems dropped even more.
  • 2019.01.11 Acosta Border Wall - Acosta goes to the border to diminish Trump's claim that there's a crisis... and proves that the Wall helps. e.g. he goes to a section where 'The Wall' has been built and notices how good and safe things are. Duh!
  • 2019.01.24 Godfather II - CNN keeps making accusations of witness intimidation, with no evidence other than Trumps shit-tweets? Playing a clip of Godfather, and likening it to Donald Trump does nothing to help your credibility as a news channel, but a lot to make you indistinguishable from Comedy Central.
  • 2019.01.24 MAGA hat same as KKK hood - Far left Cuomo let far-far-left James Barrett say that MAGA hat is frustrating because it's "as maddening and frustrating and triggering for me to look at as a KKK hood." MAGA folks have not lynched anyone like the militant arm of the DNC (the KKK) has.
  • 2019.01.25 Roger Stone - In a show of force, Roger Stone was arrested for being an associate of Trump, with 29 armed officers, in tactical gear and armored vehicles, fanning out like they were taking down a terrorist organization and not a 66 year old politico that had been cooperating with the investigation. And to show their corruption, the FBI had first coordinated with far left CNN, to be on the scene.
  • 2019.01.28 Acosta Rips Sanders - Appearing on CNN with Brooke Baldwin, CNN White House reporter Jim Acosta couldn’t resist taking a swipe at White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, saying she doesn’t live in the “real world.” That's fine for an OpEd writer, but no real reporter would show that kind of blatant bias.
  • 2019.01.28 More Press Briefings to ignore - CNN whines on one day that they need more press briefings, then they (or MSNBC) won't break into their far-left opinion shows, to show those briefing live, preferring to mis-paraphrase or omit context at their will (trying to forward their message, instead of honestly sharing the administrations message).
  • 2019.02.04 CNN attacks UN Ambassador for being like them - Heather Nauert (UN Ambassador Candidate), was attacked by CNN, because she once interviewed an Anti-Sharia guest (and hosted a “panel on Sharia law conspiracies”. Oh noes. Turns out CNN had those same folks on shows on their network, in the same capacity. CNN declined to comment under their two standards doctrine: one for thee, and one for me.
  • 2019.02.25 Stacked Panel - CNN presented a panel of "Democrats and Independents", violating a basic tenet of Journalism (disclosure) when it turns out the panel was actually public policy intern, fundraising and political activist committees, chairs of various county DNC's, and the like. (All people that wouldn't be Bernie's biggest supporters as part of the establishment DNC). These were NOT just Maryland voters.
  • 2019.03.06 Stacked Panel - Not satisfied with giving their preferred candidate debate questions in advance, CNN also makes sure their "panel of Democrat voters" are filled with 50% far left activists. Not disclosing that is dishonest propaganda that would get an F grade in any J-school in the country (and this was the 3rd time in recently history). Fortunately, CNN management and their viewers don't hold them to any journalistic standards.
  • 2019.03.07 David Duke - The Grand Wizard of the KKK (emeritus), called Ilhan Omar, “[the] most important member of the US Congress”. Whenever Duke, Spencer or another racist said less about Trump or a Republican, the Democrat Media Complex goes off their rocker, "see RACIST!". CNN reported it 172+ times for Trump/Duke alone, zero for Ilhan.
  • 2019.03.08 AOC Campaign Finance Scandal - AOC and Saikat Chakrabarti (Chief of staff, former campaign chair), appear to have obtained majority control of Justice Democrats PAC in December 2017, raised more than $1.8M (and was responsible for her win), and illegally diverted more than $1M of those funds. This is the Dark Money that AOC ran on curtailing, not to mention potential fraud. The media isn't interested.
  • 2019.03.08 Taped evidence of CNN lying - CNN posted a tweet saying HUD official Lynne Patton had the, "President's blessing" and was going to do it. Patton says she said the exact opposite, and offered the tape of their interview to prove it. She also corrected the FakeNews story that she was Eric Trump’s wedding planner. CNN didn't retract, and left the misleading tweet up.
  • 2019.03.19 BestWeekEver - Jim Acosta whined after President Donald Trump didn't call on Jim. Sarah Sanders linked a tweet to #bestweekever where Acosta had a long winded oral gratification of Obama over what in Jim's mind was Obama's best week ever... exposing the hypocrite from CNN.
  • 2019.03.20 FOIA Requests - Brent Scher at Free Beacon Compared FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests to the EPA to see how many times media outlets fact-checked or investigated Obama versus Trump. The results showed obvious bias (aka FakeNews / Agenda Journalism).
  • 2019.03.22 Mueller Report - The Mueller Report showed that there was no hint at collusion by Trump or his team, it was a Hillary funded hoax, that was used to obstruct Trump and undermine our Democracy, start illegal investigations and wiretapping, distract from helping America and our interests, and keep the media occupied repeating criminal disinformation.
  • 2019.06.18 CNN Pulls plug on uncomfortable truths - Trump's campaign launch rally was far bigger than all the 20+ Democrat ones, combined. while CNN and other outlets covered the Dem rants wall-to-wall, once Trump's crowd started chanting "CNN Sucks", CNN decided to talk over and cut away from a newsworthy event, because the truth didn't reflect well on them.
  • 2019.08.12 Fredogate - Chris Cuomo, CNN's FakeNews reporter and socialist in chief, who got his job for being the Son of Mario Cuomo, and Brother of Andrew Cuomo (failed Governors of NY), got mad because someone called him "Fredo" after the "black sheep" in the fictional Corleone family fuckup (in the Godfather). Claimed it is the N-word to Italians. It isn't. And he is a Fredo.
  • 2019.09.09 Russian exfiltration - CNN did their usual anonymous source hit-piece against Trump, that his loose lips and leaking of information made the CIA exfiltrate (pull out) a key Russian asset, over fear of him being exposed (on CIA Director Mike Pompeo's orders). The CIA (no fan of Donald Trump's) responded by calling the story and CNN "misguided" and "simply false".
  • 2019.09.25 Hiding the Abortionist - Indiana/Illinois abortionist (Ulrich Kopfer) died on Sept. 3, and 2,246 aborted babies were founded neatly labeled and preserved (as trophies), and the media all but suppressed (ignored) it. The bias in suppressing the story is nearly as disgusting as the story itself.
  • 2019.12.12 Trump Cyberbullies Greta - The far left (like CNN) is outraged that Trump is "Cyberbullying" Greta, by pointing out that a spoiled little school ditcher has "anger management" issues, and she should probably just relax and watch a movie, after she calls for Politicians to be put against the wall. (And shot?)
  • 2019.12.29 White Settlement Church Shooting - After Keith Thomas Kinnunen (43) pulled out a shotgun and killed two people, Jack Wilson (71, Hero, NRA member and Trump supporter) quickly shot and killed the Texas church shooter a few seconds in, ending the confrontation and saving countless lives. The video of the event went viral because it was being live streamed and of how fast it all happened at the West Freeway Church of Christ, in White Settlement Texas (a Dallas/Fort Worth suburb). Multiple other people in the congregation had pulled guns and were prepared as well, which caused USA Today and other leftist outlets commented on how scary it was that so many churchgoers were armed and didn't die like good little proles. The shooter had a long criminal record, in multiple states, thus the gun was illegally owned (gun control didn't work). A few months ago, Democrats like Joe Biden had mocked Texas Governor Greg Abbott, for signing a bill into law that allows people in churches to be armed, preferring a much larger massacres to liberty and trusting your fellow man, this event proves them wrong. CNN and other FakeNews outlets misreported Jack Wilson as a cop -- while he was former reserve deputy sheriff and an owner/trainer of a firearms training academy, he was a civilian and not law enforcement.
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghadai - The founder of ISIS died by blowing himself up as U.S. special forces were closing in. The leftstream media fucked up reporting this victory as much possible, calling Al-Baghdadi a religious scholar, claiming this would help ISIS, or complaining that Trump didn't tell anti-Americans (Pelosi/Schiff) about the raid in advance, so they could leak it to our enemies.
  • Amazon Forest Fires - The fires in the Amazon this year (2019) are nothing exceptional (2004 was like peak deforestation and we're down like 80% from then), and most of it is farm land and not forest that's being burned. (Normal crop burns, with a few getting a little out of control). But CNN and Hollywood got to use the Global Warming scare mongering, and blamed Trump.
  • Atlantic City Mayor (D) resigns in disgrace - Atlanta Democrat Mayor (Frank Gilliam Jr.) resigning in disgrace, after pleading guilty to stealing $87,000 from a local youth basketball program he co-founded. The prior Democrat Mayor (Robert Levey) falsied his military record to receive $25,000 worth of benefits, and before that Democrat Mayor James Usry admitted to a campaign finance violations.
  • Believe all women/Forced Hair Cutting - A 6th Grade Virginia Private school girl (who was black) accused three white classmates last week of forcibly cutting her hair... and that made national news. Now the accuser admits the allegations were false. The problem isn't just with the people who cry wolf, it's with the FakeNews media sensationalizes these stories for clicks (chasing the algorithm before fact checking).
  • Black mob beats white guy for voting for Trump - David Wilcox was beaten (and dragged through the streets) for being a Trump Voter in Chicago. Unlike the later Jussie Smollett case, this assault was a real hate crime in Chicago, and the national media had no interest.
  • Bubba Wallace/The Noose - Wallace's team got hysterical and assumed racism because there was a "noose" in his Garage stall at Talladega Superspeedway, and he's black, so racism... FakeNews outlets did double time on sensationalizing this. The noose was there for months, and it was just a garage door pull, and was obviously not targeting him.
  • CNN Tapes - Project Veritas caught CNN skewing their news to fit the far-left DNC narrative. O'Keefe mentioned they he had been secretly taping their calls for months (during the pre-election coverage) and was going to release those tapes. CNN freaked, threatened to suit, hung up, and was outraged that someone exposed them.
  • COVID Models - There were multiple models used to scare the rubes on what we had to worry about with the COVID Pandemic. They were terribad. They either under-estimated or over-estimated the dead. But even when they got close, they got the time scale to get those deaths off by orders of magnitude (and would have been more wrong, if the predicted the Vaccines, but wrong on that as well).
  • COVID is a hoax - Politico ran a piece titled, "Trump rallies his base to treat coronavirus as a ‘hoax’". (CNN, MSNBC, leftist polemics and politicians repeated it). He didn't. They lied. Trump called the effort to blame him for COVID a hoax. Even FakeNews Fact Checkers had to admit it.
  • Covington High School Confrontation - NYT and MSM published an article claiming Covington HS kids mobbed a Native American and an Indigenous People's march. All false. The truth is the story was almost completely flipped; obnoxious activists attacked the kids for right to life march, got in their face, and they remained calm. Later they sued for Defamation and won, bigly for the FakeNews Medias lies.
  • Fake Facts/Birth of Birthers - Fact checkers (CNN, Politifact, Snopes, FactCheck) answered whether Hillary originated the Birther movement, and exonerated her. It was only her top strategists plan and her campaign staffers, but not her personally -- so they pretended that Trump was lying to imply she had anything to do with creating these rumors.
  • Fake Race Crimes/2,000 Bomb Threats - Far Left orgs (CNN, NYT, Intercept, other Fake News), blamed thousands of 2017 Bomb Threats to Jewish Centers on right wing/Trumpers. Counting each as an individual event to inflate the numbers. It was one left wing Jewish kid (Michael Ron David Kadar) age 19, he was trying to frame a woman he dated.
  • FakeNews about Cagegate - This FakeNews fiasco was the fallacy that Trump's new immigration policy was breaking up families and putting kids in cages. The omitted reality was criminals (border jumpers) have always had the kids separated from the adults, as you aren't sure who are parents, and detaining both in the same place risks harm to children. The media even used faked propaganda images from Obama era to sell it.
  • Getting Hammered - Paul hires a crazy male prostitute, gets in a drunk hammer fight, the police are called; Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and the MSM blames Republicans. That's far more reasonable than the story the media/far-left is giving.
  • Global Massacres/Christchurch Shooting - 🇳🇿 A Green Nationalist (eco-Fascist), who hates Capitalism, Conservatism, and is Chinese Communist sympathizer. He doesn't like Trump, shot "muslim invaders" because immigrants were over-populating the planet and causing Global Warming, and used a gun instead of bombs, because he felt the left-wing gun-controllers would be his tools and magnify his message, and start a civil war trying to disarm honest citizens. The left ignores that, and spins it as he is a right-winger., Left wing eco-nationalist shot-up mosques because immigrants were over-populating the planet and causing Global Warming.
  • Hillary Clinton/Open Borders - Wikileaks leaked the text of private, paid speech to a Brazilian bank where Clinton said: “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders..." 3 years later, Politifact, FactCheck and CNN were claiming that Hillary never said or meant it, despite evidence to the contrary.
  • James T. Hodgkinson - After Bernie Sander supporter James T. Hodgkinson shot Republican Steve Scalise practicing baseball, CNN misreported that (a) Trump had not visited Scalise (b) only Democrats prayed for Scalise and his recovery (c) omitted or had erroneous details on Hodgkinson's background or motives. All divisive and false.
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