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Traditionally this didn't map left/right. The left pretends they are pacifist, and the right pretends they are isolationist; in practice, they're not, or at least not always. Both will jump into wars for various reasons (the left for Social Justice, or undermining American interests, the right for them). Thus this one is the most blurred.
Traditionally there used to be both in both parties. But in the U.S. it's morphed to progressives/postmodernist control the DNC, Moderates migrated to Middle or RNC, and there's few true traditionalists (but they are more likely to be on the right).
Traditionally this mapped very softly to the right being more religious. In the U.S. the left purged traditional religion and replaced it with FauxScience/Marxism/Environmentalism/Progressivism as cause-based religions, leaving more diversity on the right.
Traditionally this didn't map left/right. The left thinks they're about Social Justice and the others are selfish. That's Igno-Arrogance. The right wants equality of opportunity, the left wants equality of outcome (punishing success and rewarding failure). The left vilifies the right as greedy, the right gives more to charity, the left contributes more to crime.
Traditionally this didn't map to left or right. In the U.S. the right has all three... the left purged most nationalists (equates it with Nazi's so they can distance themselves from "those" Socialists). So the left equates nationalism with the right. And globalism/tribalism is more left.
Politicizing Sports
Progressives seem unhappy when anyone else is happy and patriotic. They see some injustice in the world (real or imagined) and they feel compelled to lecture and spoil anyone else's good time. Nothing demonstrates this more than the recent politicization of sports, alienating much of the audience, trying to ruin it for everyone.
Progressive Truths
Rules for progressives: What progressives like should be mandatory, what they don’t like should be banned. Intentions matter more than results, feelings more than facts, and party more than all else.
Political Quotes
Politics, left or right and what they believe.
Real Conspiracies
Conspiracy theories often get a bad rap; many are just conspiracy facts. Often "Conspiracy" is used (often by the left/media) as a slur to reductio ad absurdum a topic, or shut down discussion. Or they take the most exaggerated claim, to ignore all the reasonable complaints. But many conspiracies exist(ed). Here's a few.
Rent Control
Swedish economist Assar Lindbeck said, "rent control appears to be the most efficient technique presently known to destroy a city – except for bombing". He was understating it. Like other price/wage controls, you can control the prices, but not the unintended consequences of controlling the prices. It makes things worse, virtually everywhere it has been tried. Help the few: hurt the many.
Republican National Committee
RNC or GOP (Grand Old Party) is the party that was founded on ending Democrats slavery. While the party has certainly been on the wrong side of a few issues, when the RNC/DNC split on issues it is usually because the DNC was taking a junk-science position to rationalize racism, eugenics, federal government power grabs, or to push some cause that was later debunked.
State of the Union address 2008 (USA).jpg
State of the Union Speeches, and commentaries.
Sanctions "hurt" growth in an economy by punishing the underclass (it basically taxes another country). In Socialist countries, the elites/upper/political class is not hurt at all. There's a fantasy that they might make things so bad, that there would be revolution or pressure, but it's never changed a committed policy in recorded history.
Sanctuary State Backlash
Californians (who supported this), lost their right to ever complain about state overreach again. California arrogantly tried to proclaim that federal immigration law, doesn't apply to them -- and anyone in the state that complies with the federal law, will be victimized by the government of the state.
Bernie Sanders
A two-faced, hypocritical, crazy-uncle Socialist, whose only accomplishments in life was winning an election by loser hippies that wanted free stuff.
Shanty Town
I have no problems with social experiments. I just want honest accounting of them. San Jose Mayor (Sam Liccardo) got people to sponsor "tiny homes" (garden sheds) for the homeless on public lands, at about about 5x the cost per unit (≈$70K each) as it would cost an individual. Which I find compassionate to the homeless, and cruel to the taxpayers.
Socialism has been the most tried, and most failed government system, next to it's older brother (Tyranny). There have been many, many communes (cults, utopias). Some were small (like Zoar, Ohio), others were large (USSR, China, Nazi Germany, etc). Virtually all of them ended poorly.
Red Flag waving.png
This is a list of a few people who are Socialists. You can look for commonality or not (that's human nature).
Socialized Medicine
These are articles on Socialized Medicine.
The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left
Jonah Goldberg covered this ground better in "Liberal Fascism", but it is still a readable and interesting book with Dinesh's own style and observation. What you'll get out of it is inversely related to how much you already know about the History of the American left.
The Southern Strategy
Southern strategy.png
Democrats and Media claim that after Republicans passed the 1964 Civil Rights, all the racists Democrats switched sides, thus absolving the DNC's KKK, segregation, minority oppression, and the RNC became the racists and started winning the South. The facts show that's a complete delusion.
Trump Derangement Syndrome
TDS is a malady that effects gullible rubes who believe Democrats, the Media, or the establishment (deep state). Basically, it's the ideas that Trump was uniquely caustic, dishonest, evil, etc... just not as much so as the average democrat, and half the Republicans. While he's bombastic, it's usually in response to the other sides dishonest bombasity.
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What makes a Tyrant? (1) the belief in their righteousness and a vision to fix things (2) Populism preying on the greivances and convincing the masses/cult that they are the cure. Once you give them absolute power to fix the wrongs, there's few checks on what that power will be used for. The other side resitance is proof that more power/cruelty is needed to fix it.
Unintended Consequences
Every action causes a reaction. Some reactions are pleasant surprises, many are negatives, some are counter productive (perverse) and make the problem worse. Since consequences matter more than intentions, we have a social obligation to plan for them (and avoid them).
Vaccines and Anti-Vaxxers
Both sides can be preachy and wrong. While I'm no anti-Vaxxer (I've gotten all mine, I don't think vaccines are the cause of autism, and I would get them for my imaginary kids), I find the anti-Vax crowd has points that the anti-anti-vax crowd is either unwilling or incapable of understanding (their arguments are more focused around the cult of authority).
Voter Suppression
The left cries "Voter Suppression" at anything that improves election integrity: if fraud favors you, then you favor fraud. Facts show that after VoterID and other voter election integrity initiatives have been enacted, voter turnout (and minority turnout) has gone up. Poor democracies all over the world have better election integrity than Democrat cities/states.
VoterID and Voter Fraud
These are the facts, fallacies to give everyone the data to come to their own conclusions about Voter fraud and VoterID. I’ll list a few of the many examples of voter fraud and concerns. The reason the left tries to gaslight the issue and bury the facts, is that voter fraud overwhelmingly benefits the left. If you were them, would you want it to stop?
Against war, don't drop bombs.svg
America is always wrong in War, unless Democrats started it and mismanaged it. If there's a way to twist or distort the History against America (imagined Imperialism), chances are there'll be a ton of anti-American (Soviet) and Democrat supporters. Russia called them "useful idiots", but I'm unconvinced of their usefulness.
War on Women
Democrats who've never seen a war, think not forcing subsidized abortions or birth control is the same thing as a "War on Women". Dems have richer history of abusing Women. The right has no problem prosecuting asshats, while the left wants to pearl clutch over the other sides milder behavior, and excuse their sides worse. Then demogogue having to pay for your own shit.
Who has more psychotics, Democrats or Republicans?
A: It doesn't matter. The Democrat controlled media loves to run stories showing how the conservatives and right are all nut-jobs and ad-hominem the other side as a form of virtue signaling. ("We're better than they are"). But it's stupid. Even when it backlashes and the truth is more the opposite. Judge the individual, not the group.
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