Cars greatest hits

From iGeek
I was one of those lucky kids that got hit by a car, over and over and over again.
Deathrace 2000: Some people tell their kids, "watch out for cars" -- for me that was always an understatement. I was one of those lucky kids that got hit by a car, over and over and over again. My final score was; Cars:4 Me:0 -- and that was just as a pedestrian, as a driver I had a few more accidents.
โ„น๏ธ Info          
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2003-08-07 

Conclusions[edit | edit source]


Fortunately, I lived through all my little "experiences", without any major traumas. But I had friends that were far more seriously hurt; one lost a spleen and was in a coma, and the little neighbor girl that in a coma and rehabilitating for a month. Another friend that had someone lose control and take him out on a curb, and hospitalized him for many months; broken pelvis, arms, legs, and so on. And a couple of deaths.

When kids or people just get too casual and irresponsible about 3,500 lb. deadly weapons, I just start reciting the fun I've had with them as reminders. I'm not really preachy about it; but cars are dangerous, and they can hurt. I speak from experience. Usually they think a little bit more, or at least that is my hope.

NOTE: I've known one person who died of gunshot wound (to the head, by his drug dealer).... but I've known many that were hit, and a couple killed by cars. Fuck gun control, we need car control.


๐Ÿ”— More

This section is all about me (Ari Sabouni). The initial founder/creator of the site.

Writing gives me peace. It gives me an excuse to research and question and refine. And once written down, move on.

Cars are freedom, fun, and what gets me to places I'd rather be (or away from places I don't want to be).

I think everyone has had at least some "pleasant" experiences at the Doctors offices. These are some of mine.

Tags: Me  About  Cars  Medical

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