Fake Facts

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"Facts" that aren't but people believe anyways, either through ignorance, self delusion or deception.
"Facts" that aren't but people believe anyways, either through ignorance, self delusion or deception. The worst are ones that people heard from their authorities, but never questioned - confirmation bias makes them especially resistant to growth. But how we react to new information defines what kind of person we are. Do we validate our assumptions, or just remain ignorant/progressive?
ℹ️ Info          
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-04-03 

The Fascist Fake FactCheck scheme, works like this: "They don’t like your opinion, so they add “context” that wasn’t there in the first place, then disprove the context they added, knowing you will be flagged and possibly suspended from social media."

Fascism in America is, two young female “journalists” named Mariah and Kyley attempted to eliminate my opinion from society, most likely while sipping on a $7 latte in a trendy coffee shop in Brooklyn. Instead of heaping my writings on a large bonfire with others, they added their own context... then published the disproving of that... all while fully aware that Meta (and others) would use their false context to flag and even ban people with whom they disagree. [1]

Fake Facts[edit | edit source]

Here's a list of these fake or misleading facts from all the left's favorite sources Snopes, FactCheck, Wikipedia, Politifact and so on. This is without getting into all the other FakeNews that people believe, or the fake fact checks by places like NYT, WaPo, MediaMatters or places that do occasional fact checks that are known polemic news outlets, or this list would be a lot longer:

  • 2001.03.01 T.R.O.L.L. - Snopes had a whole section for spreading disinformation called "The Repository of Lost Legends" or T.R.O.L.L. While it was intended to teach skepticism, by telling things that weren't true, and seeing if people would figure it out -- it was just condescending misinformation and hurt their brand of being a trustworthy source.
  • 2002.10.12 Up-the-butt Bob - There was a famous Newlywed gameshow story, where a female contestant was asked "what's the strangest place you made whoopee" and she replied, "in the ass". The problem isn't that Snopes is wrong today, they found the clip and the article has a lot of backstory.
  • 2013.04.27 Good enough - While it is a little stale (2013) and things changed after a few more liberal editors and the 2016 election, Snopes does do a reasonably good enough job at debunking the easy and non-political stuff. Even if they miss on a few, or are slow to correct others. At least for the skeptical libertarian. Just don't use them as thought police.
  • 2015.07.21 Holistic Doctors - Erin Elizabeth of HealthNutNews complains about how snopes wronged her, with getting lots of little factoids wrong. Not sure who I believe in this one, but Erin definitely went full vendetta on many mistakes she found not only in misrepresenting her article, but in others. And at least a few of her complaints seem legit.
  • 2016.05.02 Hillary and the Rapist - One complaint was against Hillary for laughing about getting a child rapist off when she was a defense lawyer. This was true. Even lefty-FactCheck admitted it was true. But Snopes, WaPo and Politifact parsed words, inferred intent (It was just a nervous laugh), and went beyond fact-checking into water-carrier status.
  • 2016.07.26 Flags at DNC - Conservative media outlets (like DC) noted that the American flag was conspicuously physically absent on the set of the Democratic National Convention on its first day. Left-of-center Politifact admitted it too. But liberal media went into full-spin mode.
  • 2016.12.22 Embezzling, Hookers, Divorce (oh my) - Just because David Mikkelson (Snopes CEO/Founder) was caught up in an unsavory divorce, or embezzled money to rent hookers, and they have no hard defined editorial standards, doesn't mean everything they wrote is crap. Most of it is fine. But the point is that I'm unconvinced that they're the paragon of moral, ethical and quality standards.
  • 2017.01.20 Scrubbed Climate Change and LGBT - ZOMG: Minutes in, and Trump is purging the Government (White House Website) of LGBT and Climate Change info: OrangeMan Bad! Only, this normal operating procedure to archive the old White House pages and start fresh (it happened under Clinton->Bush and Bush->Obama). No retractions, corrections or apologies given.
  • 2017.03.05 Rasmea Odeh - The March 8th "Day Without A Woman" protest was created by Rasmea: a Palestinian anti-semite terrorist, guilty of a 1969 bombing and murder of 2 in Israel. Snopes took the far left BDS/Palestinian position of using false and debunked excuses for her behavior.
  • 2017.04.11 Spicer: Hitler didn't use chemical weapons - Sean Spicer (Press Secretary) misspoke and apologized/corrected himself in the same news-conference (while talking about chemical weapons). Far-left outfits (CNN, CBS, MSNBC, Snopes, Politifact), ignored the correction/clarification and used the gaff as a way to attack Spicer and Trump, and spin a non-story into evidence of why they were a bad administration.
  • 2018.12.06 Voted out of Congress - A viral claimed “Everyone with an X has since been voted out of Congress.”, but a few members with an X were never in Congress. Snopes still claimed that the “general idea” of the meme was “correct.”
  • 2019.03.08 AOC Campaign Finance Scandal - AOC and Saikat Chakrabarti (Chief of staff, former campaign chair), appear to have obtained majority control of Justice Democrats PAC in December 2017, raised more than $1.8M (and was responsible for her win), and illegally diverted more than $1M of those funds. This is the Dark Money that AOC ran on curtailing, not to mention potential fraud. The media isn't interested.
  • 2019.10.16 Chick-fil-A Uganda - =Snopes screws up Fact Checking the Chick-fil-A supports Ugandan's death penalty for homosexuality bill. Other than there is no current bill, Chick-fil-a was sponsoring someone else that dropped support for a different org that did that when they found out about that bill (that is long dead).
  • Covington High School Confrontation - NYT and MSM published an article claiming Covington HS kids mobbed a Native American and an Indigenous People's march. All false. The truth is the story was almost completely flipped; obnoxious activists attacked the kids for right to life march, got in their face, and they remained calm. Later they sued for Defamation and won, bigly for the FakeNews Medias lies.
  • Erica Thomas (D) - To magnify anti-Trumpism, Georgia State Rep Erica Thomas (D) claimed in a sobbing twitter post, that a “white man” called her a “lazy son of a bitch” and told her to “go back to where she came from" at a Publix Grocery store. Then to her surprise the accused anti-Trump, far-left, AOC supporting Cuban (not white), stepped forward and told the real story.
  • Fake Facts/Birth of Birthers - Fact checkers (CNN, Politifact, Snopes, FactCheck) answered whether Hillary originated the Birther movement, and exonerated her. It was only her top strategists plan and her campaign staffers, but not her personally -- so they pretended that Trump was lying to imply she had anything to do with creating these rumors.
  • Fake Facts/Cal outlaws Religious Freedom - You can have religious liberty, or a Democrat controlled government, but as California Assembly Bill 2943 shows, not both. It says no church or individual can practice "conversion therapy", or "pray the gay away". While I don't think those are useful, in a country with religious liberty, you don't outlaw stupid things just because you don't agree.
  • Fake Facts/Dems remain seated for Navy Seal - Many Democrats remained seated during Trump's first address to congress in 2017, in protest of his very existence. Fake Fact Checkers tried to spin it for the Democrats favor, but showing a few of them might have stood for a nanosecond, very late, but ignore that most did not.
  • FakeNews about Cagegate - This FakeNews fiasco was the fallacy that Trump's new immigration policy was breaking up families and putting kids in cages. The omitted reality was criminals (border jumpers) have always had the kids separated from the adults, as you aren't sure who are parents, and detaining both in the same place risks harm to children. The media even used faked propaganda images from Obama era to sell it.
  • Hillary Clinton/Cattlegate: Futures Trading Miracle (1978) - First time Cattle Futures trader Hillary, make a 9,987% returns with perfect trades, (done for her, by a scummy lawyer), then she never trades again. She claims she learned how on the Wall Street Journal, which doesn't talk about cattle futures. Democrats and Fake Fact Checkers claim nothing sounds fishy.
  • Hillary Clinton/Lootergate (2001) - After leaving the White House, Hillary was forced to return an estimated $190,000 in White House furniture, china, and artwork that she had taken. The Clintons water carriers in the media fake "Fact Checked" this and tried to exonerate the Clintons by word parsing or misleading the public on what happened.
  • Hillary Clinton/Travelgate (1993) - Clinton friend Harry Thompson create a new company, and when the WhiteHouse Travel office rightly rebuffed the newcomer, Hillary ignored conflict of interest laws, got involved, gave him a tits $500K no-bid contract. Oh, and used the IRS to harass their enemies/complainers/whistleblowers. The Fake Fact Checkers stayed away from this whole fiasco.
  • Hillary Clinton/Troopergate (1980-1993) - Troopergate was where Bill Clinton used Arkansas state police assigned to his security detail, to keep an eye out for Hillary or ferry women in and out of the Governors mansion for him (as well as keep track of his sexual scoring system). While Hillary was using state troopers to take her to clandestine meetings with Vince Foster at a resort (for an alleged affair).
  • Hillary Clinton: Bitch and Liar - Lying, being an angry shrew that yelled a lot, and polls that show more believe in Bigfoot (14%) than Hillary's honesty (11%). The Whitehouse staff, Secret Service, known as 'the Lady Macbeth of Little Rock", her household cook said, "The devil’s in that woman". Is everyone out to get this poor innocent altruist saint? Or is there some grains of truth?
  • Hillary Clinton: Fired from Watergate (1974) - Appointed to Staff of House Judiciary Committee during Watergate. She was "fired" for corrupt and unethical behavior, according to lifelong democrats in charge of the house investigation Dan Calbrese and Jerry Zeifman. FakeFacts focus hairsplitting that he technically he could not "fire her", only recommend she be removed. And she was.
  • Ilhan Omar/Married her brother - There's a rumor that she married her brother (Ahmed Hirsi) to get around immigration law. There is no doubt that something extremely suspicious and illegal (immigration fraud) appears to be going on, and the media has been known for some time. But she won't answer questions about it and attacks anyone who asks as racist.
  • NOOA Temp Fraud - Mann and his faked Hockey Stick, is not the only group caught altering the historical record. NOOA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) was taken over by far left anti-Science polemics, and they got caught altering that record for political purposes. They wiped out the 1930s hottest years being to make today look worse.
  • Omar Mateen/Not a Democrat (Snopes) - Snopes does mental gymnastics to pretend that a Registered Democrat (Omar Mateeen: Pulse Nightclub Shooter) might have changed parties in the last few months. So we don't know that he's a Democrat, just because he's been one his entire life, so far. (That's their version of a "Fact Check".
  • Panhandling - There's a saying, you get what you incentivize. So if you pay people to be poor, it's amazing how many people will suddenly become poor. An example is this panhandler that makes $1,000 a weekend in Texas, by pretending to be homeless and wheelchair bound. He has a home and walks just fine.
  • RealRace/OPRF Race Based Grading - Far-left Snopes claims it's false, but witnesses imply otherwise. And the left denies when caught. So I don't know if this is true. What I do know, is that they'd act/say this stuff if it was. (Just like they deny CRT when caught doing CRT). And Snopes wastes more time attacking the source, than looking at the evidence.
  • Snopes/Trump Rally Violence - Fake Fact Checkers claimed Trump promoted violence at his rally's. The omitted context was Hillary and the Democrats paid violent protestors to go to Trump Rally's and make scenes or beat people up. Trump basically said if his side defended themselves (hit them back), he'd pay their legal bills as a snark. Unprovoked assault and self-defense are different things legally.
  • Trump Rally Violence - There's claims that Trump advocated violence at his rally's -- but that's not the whole context. Here's the facts: Hillary and the Democrats paid violent protestors to go to Trump Rally's and beat people up. Trump responded to that with a Trumpism that he'd pay the legal fees of anyone that defended themselves and roughed them up back, on the way out.
  • YETI Coolers - YETI Coolers cut off ties to the NRA Foundation (the shooting sports division), but wouldn't say why (coincidentally timed with Delta and REI dropping the NRA after school shooting). The NRA's open letter, lead to a backlash amongst shooting enthusiasts. Yeti claimed NRA/shooters misunderstood. The NRA's reply to that sounded a lot like: {cough:bullshit!}.

  • 2000 Mules - Wikipedia won't create a separate entry for it, and the only blurbs they allow are negative and Fake Fact Checks by far left institutions like the AP. Supposition that it's not proof is OK. Supposition that it shows suspicious activity that should be investigated is blocked as wild conspiracy theory.
  • 2020 Dominion - Dominion Voting System was rejected by Texas, Ohio and CISA issued a warning because of security failures. When a disputed election comes up, the states that approved Dominion are getting more a self caused mess than the ones that rejected it. Democrats Amy Klobucher, Elizabeth Warren and Ron Wydden admitted worries that Dominion was potentially a threat for voter fraud/manipulation during the Democrat Primaries. Dominion was caught misappropriating 3,000 votes from Trump and giving them to Biden in Antim County Michigan. Yet it was used in 24 states, and 5 of 6 disputed ones. Smartmatic and others were only a little better and brought up issues of their own.
  • 70s SF Democrats - In the late 70's, Dan White killed Harvey Milk and George Moscone for criminal abuse and corruption and colluding with Jim Jones to corrupt elections. Since then, the left has rewritten history, and turned felons into martyrs.
  • Breitbart Blacklisted by Wikipedia (2018) - You don't have to like Breitbart, to admit that it's a news source that's broken some pretty good scoops, and done some serious investigative journalism. They are biased, but so is CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, NYT, WaPo and HuffPo, that are all tolerated as sources. Pick a standard, and ban everyone based on that. But you don't get to have arbitrary standards.
  • Cultural Marxism - Cultural Marxism is a branch of Marxist ideology formulated by the Frankfurt School, which uses political correctness to undermine/politicize all traditional institutions and social norms; Art, Books, Film/TV, Education, Science, Sexuality, Religion, History, Patriotism (National Sovereignty), and so on
  • David French/Flip-Flops - French is Flip Flops on key issues like support for Trump, opposition to Gay Marriage, or whatever displeases (or is in the way of advancement) in the leftist publications he is working for. I generally don't mind growth / revision of views. But his flip flops don't smell like that, they feel more like moral sacrifices for career/social advancement.
  • Fake Facts - "Facts" that aren't but people believe anyways, either through ignorance, self delusion or deception. The worst are ones that people heard from their authorities, but never questioned - confirmation bias makes them especially resistant to growth. But how we react to new information defines what kind of person we are. Do we validate our assumptions, or just remain ignorant/progressive?
  • Fascism - Fascism the left believes that while the National Socialists Workers Party contained Socialism in the name, thought and deed, they all came from Socialism, Stalin thought they were socialists, that doesn't mean they were real socialists. (The no true Scotsman fallacy). And if they weren't Socialists, then they must be "right wing".
  • Fucking her way to the top - Kamala Harris failed the bar when she first took it, and only got to the top, by being on the bottom (being Corrupt Mayor Willie Brown's mistress, while he was still married). While I don't have a problem with women (or men) taking advantage of their "network" to get ahead, it matters if it was above board, and who the partner was.
  • Jemele Hill - Racist ESPN reporter that was finally fired for questioning the Cowboys fans. It wasn't multiple years of racist posts, or lies about the President.
  • John Stossel - a Libertarian commentator that was forced out of ABC, and off of much of mainstream media for his views. Not because he was wrong, or didn't have a great following, but because the left doesn't appreciate truths being told that prove/demonstrate their biases.
  • Mohammad Mosaddegh - Wikipedia repeats the fallacies with the facts burried in their article improperly named "1953 Iranian coup d'état", and implies that Mosaddegh was "democratically elected", or illegally deposed coup d'état, and the "Historians" definitely bury the truth about Mosaddegh being a Soviet Sponsored Marxist Dictator.
  • Music Genres - The left's version of American Music is that blacks gave it to white America. That would imply blacks are all racists, and that while Whites artists borrowed from Black artists, black artists did none of that and remained pure influencers (and not influenced). In the real world, cultures influence back and forth, and that makes both sides better. Music in America is no different.
  • New World Order - The far left (and Wikipedia) claims the New World Order (NWO) is just a Conspiracy Theory about a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. In the real world, there are many public and private organizations of elites openly colaborating to create a new authoritarian world governments; U.N., EU, Davos, WEF (World Economic Forum) and so on.
  • NewsGuard - Fake FactChecker that offer red/green light on whole institutions (based on politics), instead of individual articles. It plugs into browsers and offers "FakeNews" indicator, based on establishment (and leftism), not based on the actual articles contents or quality. The same story can flip colors based on which aggregator is reporting it, whether it is correct or not.
  • Proud Boys - FakeNews & Wikipedia claim that Black Lead Proud Boys is a White Supremacist organization... ignore the Gay, Latino, Asian members. Any attempts to fix it, will be blocked. It's not that the nuance is beyond them, it's that they won't tolerate anyone adding it, because it doesn't fit the leftist editors agenda.
  • Red Flag Laws - Red Flag laws sound reasonable (flag people that are threats, and take their guns away temporarily), but they aren't implemented that way. Everywhere it's been tried, it's been abused and gotten people killed. If you can't implement it in a way where it wouldn't be abused by other individuals or government, then how is it reasonable?
  • Red Flag Laws - You can get a whiff of the bias at Wikipedia if you read the section on Red Flag Laws (especially Talk, now burried). Those opposed to Red Flag Laws offered information about Gary Willis (killed while enforcing Reg Flag Laws). Fee articles explaining the consequences/tradeoffs. Examples of abuse of those laws section was proposed and rejected. All was blocked/suppressed under various excuses. Suppressing counterbalance is propaganda.
  • Roy Moore Manipulation/censorship (2017) - While I'm no fan of Roy Moore, anyone that didn't support the far left narrative on Wikipedia was attacked, then banned for defending themselves. Simple facts like pointing out that the age of consent is 16 in Alabama, so even if he had perved on a teenager, it wasn't a crime. Offering context that doesn't fit the far-left narrative is grounds for removal.
  • Sarah Jeong - Wikipedia Entry (2018) - As Christina Sommers points out, you can look on Wikipedia talk page for Sarah Jeong (known racist and NYT writer), and that stuff is being actively suppressed. Facts like "Sarah incited controversy for a series of insensitive tweets" gets blocked while debate is going on. Eventually, some of it gets sorted out, but it's hard to add needed context to left wing narratives/people.
  • Tea Party - The railroading of the TeaParty is a great example of FakeNews, either through gross incompetence or more likely leftist malice. It started simply as bipartisan anti-tax, anti-spending, and anti-debt. But they got presented as racist, hyper-religious, far-right extremists, not to mention mocking them as "tea baggers" (testicle suckers).
  • The Southern Strategy - Wikipedia repeats the far-left Alt-history version of "The Southern Strategy, and censored all the conservative voices and references. So like in many parts of Wikipedia, the "neutral" view, suppresses the conflicting perceptions on what happened, why, and the unflattering truths of the Democrats during this era.
  • Thursday Night Massacre - Elon said "No Doxxing". Journos tested him by doxxing. Got 18 hour suspension, and lost their shit. How dare rules apply to them? Wikipedia snowflakes wrote a 3,000 word article whining about it, or relaying all the far left whining about it, without much in the way of counterbalance.
  • Warsaw Death Camp - For over 15 years, false claims that thousands of Poles were gassed to death in Warsaw in a widespread Holocaust distortion operation by Polish nationalists. This isn't denying the Holocaust happened, it just didn't happen there -- despite what you read on Wikipedia. The article has since been fixed/improved, but it took 15 years of fighting.
  • Wikipedia Editor banned for allowing questioning the Russian Hacker Narrative (2017) - Am AP report mentioned that Russians were hacking anyone who opposed Russian interest (not just Hillary Clinton), it started a discussion over purging anything that didn't fit the "Russians hacked 2016 election because they wanted Trump to win" narrative. An editor was attacked and banned for trying to defend a little balance and stop the censoring of counter-points.
  • Wikipedia Recession - For 50 years, the agreed upon definition of a recession (in the U.S.) was 2 consecutive quarters of negative GDP. Then Biden re-invented the word recession, and there was a revision war to fit/fight the new narrative, until Wikipedia locked it down. The left will do anything to keep the left from looking bad. This is very Orwellian.
  • Wikipedia co-founder on bias - Wikipedia Co-founder (Larry Sanger) admits that Wikipedia's NPOV (Neutral Point of View) is long dead and forgotten.
  • Wikipedia editors downplayed Antifa’s violence (2017) - Left-wing editors removed or minimized mentions of Antifas violent history. The article’s only mentions of violence, far left activism, or that government agencies characterized them as a terrorist group were in the headlines of sources, but they added material portraying Antifa as victims of smear campaign (done by editors supported Antifa on their profile pages).
  • Wikipedia editors take money to alter stories (2019) - The facade that Wikipedia is non-partisanism is crushed when their editors (like Ed Sussman) get caught altering the tone/content for cash. (Pay-for-whitewash). And the list of payers is a whose who of leftist organizations: Facebook, NBC, Nextdoor, Axios, CNN, Intel, and so on.
  • Wikipedia on Trickle Down Economics - An example of Wikipedia's embarrassingly bad bias, poor writing, and misleading summary is the Wikipedia entry on Trickle Down Economics. It looks like it was written by a left wing polemic rather than anyone interested in economics or facts (or teaching). The Talk Section has a few interesting PoV's.
  • Wikipedia/Burying CNN Blackmail Controversy (2017) - There was a page created on CNN’s blackmail controversy (where CNN threatened to dox someone). Other editors stepped in, and buried the lede and much of the factual content, not because of standards, but because it made CNN look bad (by telling the truth). Efforts to restore the material were met with a wall of double standards or outright censorship.
  • Wikipedia/James Damore evidence tampering (2017) - When Google employee James Damore’s memo on the company’s diversity programs and treatment of conservative views went viral, editors on Wikipedia began removing reliably-sourced parts of articles he cited to support his positions. When the truth doesn't favor the left, the left tries to erase the truth from History, like the little Stalins they are.
  • Wikipedia/UC Berkeley Prof trades wiki-bias for grades (2017) - UC Berkeley instructor Michel Gelobter launched a course whose course description gave students grades based on their willingness to advance an “environmental justice” narrative, by altering Wikipedia pages. Slurring President Trump with falsehoods, upped the grade. Eventually, Wikipedia editors did delete some of the more egregious additions, but many remained.
  • YETI Coolers - YETI Coolers cut off ties to the NRA Foundation (the shooting sports division), but wouldn't say why (coincidentally timed with Delta and REI dropping the NRA after school shooting). The NRA's open letter, lead to a backlash amongst shooting enthusiasts. Yeti claimed NRA/shooters misunderstood. The NRA's reply to that sounded a lot like: {cough:bullshit!}.

  • 2009.12.18 Death Panels - Obama claimed there was no "death panels"... just a panel that would make your life and death medical decisions for you. Fake Fact Checker PolitiFact came in and called the claim of "Death Panels" the "Lie of the year", because it wasn't the panel but the disease/malady that would kill you. The panel would just deny you life saving treatment that would have changed the outcome.
  • 2013.12.12 Obama and Politifact share lie of the year - 2008-2013 Politifact rated anyone who criticized Obama's "If you like your plan/doctor, you can keep it" as Pants-on-fire. Then in 2013 the lie of the year poll was the promise that you could keep your doctor/plan. It wasn't even on the ballot, it was a write in by so many that had lost coverage, that PolitFact had to admit it. (Without retraction or apology).
  • 2014.08.06 VoterID Fraud - Justin Levitt did a "Study" that found only 31 convictions of voter fraud. It was utter crap (methodologically), but started the idea among the gullible and dishonest that we don't have a voter fraud problem. In truth it shows that we don't have enough tracking to arrest/convict most people committing voter fraud. And Democrats are fighting adding any controls.
  • 2016.05.02 Hillary and the Rapist - One complaint was against Hillary for laughing about getting a child rapist off when she was a defense lawyer. This was true. Even lefty-FactCheck admitted it was true. But Snopes, WaPo and Politifact parsed words, inferred intent (It was just a nervous laugh), and went beyond fact-checking into water-carrier status.
  • 2017.04.11 Spicer: Hitler didn't use chemical weapons - Sean Spicer (Press Secretary) misspoke and apologized/corrected himself in the same news-conference (while talking about chemical weapons). Far-left outfits (CNN, CBS, MSNBC, Snopes, Politifact), ignored the correction/clarification and used the gaff as a way to attack Spicer and Trump, and spin a non-story into evidence of why they were a bad administration.
  • 2017.05.25 NATO - Trump criticized European Countries for doding their responsibilities to NATO, they startled slacking on their obligations slightly less, and came up with more money. The Press, Left and EU blamed Trump for hurting NATO by pointing out their failures and demanding they do better, white NATO confesses they got $100B and stronger because of it.
  • 2019.04.02 Misleading Teacher Salary claims - Harris put out a completely deceptive and dishonest claim, "that teachers pay is falling short of living wage in 30 states" and we need the fed to help. FakeNews Politifact backed her up, because completely misleading, if you parse everything she said in a way that most of her readers won't, then she's technically not wrong, so they mislabelled it as mostly true. Something they'd never do for a conservative.
  • Fake Facts/Birth of Birthers - Fact checkers (CNN, Politifact, Snopes, FactCheck) answered whether Hillary originated the Birther movement, and exonerated her. It was only her top strategists plan and her campaign staffers, but not her personally -- so they pretended that Trump was lying to imply she had anything to do with creating these rumors.
  • Fake Facts/Dems remain seated for Navy Seal - Many Democrats remained seated during Trump's first address to congress in 2017, in protest of his very existence. Fake Fact Checkers tried to spin it for the Democrats favor, but showing a few of them might have stood for a nanosecond, very late, but ignore that most did not.
  • FakeNews about Cagegate - This FakeNews fiasco was the fallacy that Trump's new immigration policy was breaking up families and putting kids in cages. The omitted reality was criminals (border jumpers) have always had the kids separated from the adults, as you aren't sure who are parents, and detaining both in the same place risks harm to children. The media even used faked propaganda images from Obama era to sell it.
  • Green New Deal - The Green New Deal was a program championed by AOC, endorsed by the left, confirms everything conservatives have been warning about the 🍉 Watermelon Environmental Movement: their goal is not to save the planet, but use that to enact communism/socialism in the U.S. $93 Trillion boondoggle intended to collapse the economy, and make everyone a dependent.
  • Hillary Clinton/Cattlegate: Futures Trading Miracle (1978) - First time Cattle Futures trader Hillary, make a 9,987% returns with perfect trades, (done for her, by a scummy lawyer), then she never trades again. She claims she learned how on the Wall Street Journal, which doesn't talk about cattle futures. Democrats and Fake Fact Checkers claim nothing sounds fishy.
  • Hillary Clinton/Lootergate (2001) - After leaving the White House, Hillary was forced to return an estimated $190,000 in White House furniture, china, and artwork that she had taken. The Clintons water carriers in the media fake "Fact Checked" this and tried to exonerate the Clintons by word parsing or misleading the public on what happened.
  • Hillary Clinton/Open Borders - Wikileaks leaked the text of private, paid speech to a Brazilian bank where Clinton said: “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders..." 3 years later, Politifact, FactCheck and CNN were claiming that Hillary never said or meant it, despite evidence to the contrary.
  • Hillary Clinton/Travelgate (1993) - Clinton friend Harry Thompson create a new company, and when the WhiteHouse Travel office rightly rebuffed the newcomer, Hillary ignored conflict of interest laws, got involved, gave him a tits $500K no-bid contract. Oh, and used the IRS to harass their enemies/complainers/whistleblowers. The Fake Fact Checkers stayed away from this whole fiasco.
  • Hillary Clinton/Troopergate (1980-1993) - Troopergate was where Bill Clinton used Arkansas state police assigned to his security detail, to keep an eye out for Hillary or ferry women in and out of the Governors mansion for him (as well as keep track of his sexual scoring system). While Hillary was using state troopers to take her to clandestine meetings with Vince Foster at a resort (for an alleged affair).
  • Ilhan Omar/Racism Claims - Ilhan has had a series of racially insensitive claims, especially against Jews/Israel. Not all of them are up to MY standards of racism (racially insensitive isn't racist, unless the folks believe the entire race is inferior to another) -- but that's not the standard the left uses. By their standards, she'd be racist, so they should censure her.
  • New Jersey and the Economist - The Economist ran an oft quoted FakeNews story that blue states subsidize red states (via taxes/benefits). They did it by ignoring borrowing, compliance costs, and other inefficiencies. What it really showed is that if you spend $2.63 (in taxes, debt, etc) you get $.60 in purchasing power back, and some will see the $.60 (ignore what it cost) and think they're coming out ahead.
  • PolitiFact/DGU Disinformation - PolitiFact slammed a weak-sauce study, using a far worse/weaker study to "prove" their point. And intentionally ignored other studies that showed DGU (Defensive Gun Uses) are in the millions per year, and have saved hundreds from mass shootings.

  • Fake Facts/Birth of Birthers - Fact checkers (CNN, Politifact, Snopes, FactCheck) answered whether Hillary originated the Birther movement, and exonerated her. It was only her top strategists plan and her campaign staffers, but not her personally -- so they pretended that Trump was lying to imply she had anything to do with creating these rumors.
  • Fake Facts/Cal outlaws Religious Freedom - You can have religious liberty, or a Democrat controlled government, but as California Assembly Bill 2943 shows, not both. It says no church or individual can practice "conversion therapy", or "pray the gay away". While I don't think those are useful, in a country with religious liberty, you don't outlaw stupid things just because you don't agree.
  • Fake Facts/Dems remain seated for Navy Seal - Many Democrats remained seated during Trump's first address to congress in 2017, in protest of his very existence. Fake Fact Checkers tried to spin it for the Democrats favor, but showing a few of them might have stood for a nanosecond, very late, but ignore that most did not.
  • FakeNews about Cagegate - This FakeNews fiasco was the fallacy that Trump's new immigration policy was breaking up families and putting kids in cages. The omitted reality was criminals (border jumpers) have always had the kids separated from the adults, as you aren't sure who are parents, and detaining both in the same place risks harm to children. The media even used faked propaganda images from Obama era to sell it.
  • Hillary Clinton/Cattlegate: Futures Trading Miracle (1978) - First time Cattle Futures trader Hillary, make a 9,987% returns with perfect trades, (done for her, by a scummy lawyer), then she never trades again. She claims she learned how on the Wall Street Journal, which doesn't talk about cattle futures. Democrats and Fake Fact Checkers claim nothing sounds fishy.
  • Hillary Clinton/Lootergate (2001) - After leaving the White House, Hillary was forced to return an estimated $190,000 in White House furniture, china, and artwork that she had taken. The Clintons water carriers in the media fake "Fact Checked" this and tried to exonerate the Clintons by word parsing or misleading the public on what happened.
  • Hillary Clinton/Open Borders - Wikileaks leaked the text of private, paid speech to a Brazilian bank where Clinton said: “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders..." 3 years later, Politifact, FactCheck and CNN were claiming that Hillary never said or meant it, despite evidence to the contrary.
  • Hillary Clinton/Travelgate (1993) - Clinton friend Harry Thompson create a new company, and when the WhiteHouse Travel office rightly rebuffed the newcomer, Hillary ignored conflict of interest laws, got involved, gave him a tits $500K no-bid contract. Oh, and used the IRS to harass their enemies/complainers/whistleblowers. The Fake Fact Checkers stayed away from this whole fiasco.
  • Hillary Clinton/Troopergate (1980-1993) - Troopergate was where Bill Clinton used Arkansas state police assigned to his security detail, to keep an eye out for Hillary or ferry women in and out of the Governors mansion for him (as well as keep track of his sexual scoring system). While Hillary was using state troopers to take her to clandestine meetings with Vince Foster at a resort (for an alleged affair).
  • Hillary Clinton/Vandals - FakeNews tries to spin $14K in vandalism (according to the GAO), done by Clinton admin on the way out, as just a couple prank. No other administration was classless enough to ever do this before or since.
  • Trump Rally Violence - There's claims that Trump advocated violence at his rally's -- but that's not the whole context. Here's the facts: Hillary and the Democrats paid violent protestors to go to Trump Rally's and beat people up. Trump responded to that with a Trumpism that he'd pay the legal fees of anyone that defended themselves and roughed them up back, on the way out.
  • You didn't build that - You didn't build that became a defining phrase of Obama admin. The left thinks without government, there would be no business. The truth is the opposite, without government we'd have commerce, but without commerce and people to tax, there is no government. Government is the parasite with delusions of grandeur.

  • PolitiFact/DGU Disinformation - PolitiFact slammed a weak-sauce study, using a far worse/weaker study to "prove" their point. And intentionally ignored other studies that showed DGU (Defensive Gun Uses) are in the millions per year, and have saved hundreds from mass shootings.

  • 118 year old Michigan Man votes by absentee ballot - Did the Detroit give and count an absentee ballot from a 118-year-old dead voter, as a video or FB post shows? Yes, but they claim it was just a clerical error and it went to his son (who is still alive) and he filled it out for himself. But that doesn't change that a dead man voted and got miscounted (even if it was a 1:1 trade).
  • 2009.12.18 Death Panels - Obama claimed there was no "death panels"... just a panel that would make your life and death medical decisions for you. Fake Fact Checker PolitiFact came in and called the claim of "Death Panels" the "Lie of the year", because it wasn't the panel but the disease/malady that would kill you. The panel would just deny you life saving treatment that would have changed the outcome.
  • Checking the Checkers: Clinton Speech - For Trump, the FakeFactCheckers twisted 11 truths into lies and ignored 43 true facts. With Hillary, they went the other way. They ignored 59 lies, and checked 16 points. 8 of which were used to attack Trump on, 8 others were watered down. The point is the Fact Checkers embarassed themselves with their blatant bias/double-standards.

Video[edit | edit source]

Fact Checkers are Fake
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Bode Lang ~ http://conservativeammo.com/


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Organizations that I felt the need to comment on (more often on the negs than the positives). But there's good/bad in all.

Media Organizations
News, Newspapers, Websites, Radio, TV, and organizations that convey information the public.

Wikipedia is both hit and miss. Most articles are pretty good, but there's a leftist bias amongst too many articles.

Extreme bias that goes beyond honest mistake and becomes lies, frauds or fakes (wilful ignorance).

List all the articles that have work to be done on them.

Tags: Organizations  Media  Wikipedia  Fakes  TBD

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