Party of fear

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The lefts two biggest tools are envy, fear, and finger pointing to distract; used to manipulate their constituents.
The left projects their flaws on others: so being the party of fear (or envy), they claim the Republicans are. But if you trusted your neighbors (and didn't fear their actions), you wouldn't be the party that tries to ban, outlaw, punish or regulate (they are afraid of non-compliance).
ℹ️ Info          
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-04-04 
🗒️ Note:
For more condensed summaries:
Party of fear (small).
Left Right
We need government to protect us from ourselves. But Republicans/Conservatives are the party of fear: they try to control their constituents with fear of immigrants, Iran getting the bomb, criminals so they need guns, and trust in government. They need to be more reasonable, like us. All the scares of the left have proven false: over-population, lack of food production, peak oil, destroying the planet (see many more in the anti-science category). People solved most of those on their own, or they were never problems (at least to the degrees claimed). Democrats try to use fear to control the weak-minded as often (if not more) than Republicans -- for example: why would you need gun-control, if you didn't distrust your neighbors having guns?

Here's the basics:

  • The right's version of the left, matches many of the politicians, laws they support, voices/pundits on the left, and many of my most vocal left friends views exactly.
  • The left's version of the right, matches virtually none (only the most extreme) of right wing voices/pundits/pols, and virtually none of my vocal right wing friends, or my views at all.

I'm a left leaning moderate on many issues: LGBTQ, pro-choice (1st Trimester), pro-immigration, pretty isolationist, I support some social safety nets... and that's why I'm NOT a Democrat or a lefty. My moderate positions weren't welcomed there -- but are generally well handled by the right/Republicans. Of course I have moderate leftist friends, and a couple extreme right wing ones, but those are both the exception more than the norm.

Thus while I love my gay/trans friends and family (and support Gay Marriage), I love my Christian ones too. Both have a right to their views -- and my Christian family are not homophobes just because they supported civil unions instead of gay marriage. They are not racists because they want some reasonable limits on immigration (which I agree with). Most still would protect abortion in 1st trimester -- but even the ones that believe full life begins at conception have a valid moral/medical point and aren't anti-women they're just pro-baby. It's that tolerance (or lack of it) for the other side that means I can't be a democrat any more. I fail their litmus tests and get attacked... so about 40 years ago, I figured out that I wasn't a Democrat or what the left had become. And it's only gotten worse. While I'm not a Republican, more a little-L libertarian, none of my Republican friends seem to have a problem with that and we can have adult disagreements on issues or degrees. But virtually all the vocal Democrats will try to exaggerate/misrepresent my views, if I don't agree with them enough (in degrees) on virtually any issue. Just like their pundits and politicians do. They try to convince people that it's their ways, or me (or my ilk) would create concentration camps, or create Handmaid's tale, or that I'd support Hitler because they can't tell the difference between Trump and a Socialist.

So I tend to make intellectual arguments that disagrees with both sides. The left will attack me, the right will attack the arguments. The left demands consensus and can't let things go, the right generally will. The right thinks the Democrats are wrong/extreme or dumb, while the left thinks the Republicans are minority/poor hating evil. Thus I believe many of the left (or many of them) truly believe the caricatures of the demons (straw men) they've created -- which means to be part of their clique, I have to believe that all my friends and family that disagree with them are evil? That's dumb. And it told me which side I wanted to be on. And virtually every issue that comes up confirms it.


Conclusion[edit | edit source]


Are you getting the point?

Of course I don't think either party or political philosophy is saintly. Politicians and manipulators in general know to use the "fear of other" to get people to align with them. Heck 6 year old girls will use, "Sally doesn't like you, you should be my friend instead" as this kind of manipulation. So while you can say that both parties use it, or you can admit the left uses it more (as it is a critical tool required to get change), what you can't rationally do, is claim that the right is the party of fear, and uses it more than the left does. But the left rarely has logic, history and facts on their side or they'd use them more in their arguments

Their first attack against articles like this, is not to point-by-point refute it (the logical tack), it's to attack the source (me), or try some emotional appeal -- which proves my point. They are more susceptible to emotional appeals, as demonstrated why they go there more often. They also appeal to the younger, disenfranchised, outsiders, and use division to their advantage more -- those groups are more susceptible to conspiracy theories and tribalism. So of course the left is going to use what works for them. And like most of their arguments, they won't admit that's what they are doing, so they resort to The Big Lie™ and blame the other side is doing what they're doing as a way to distract from what they're doing. And the gullible buy in. If it didn't work, they wouldn't use it.... and their party would be a fraction the size it is. In fact, their biggest problem is once the left opens their eyes to the techniques the left uses, they often leave the party (or at least become more centrist).


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The Left Lies
When the truth disagrees with your agenda, you can grow (change) or lie. The left usually chooses the latter.

These are issues that people fight over... current events or consistent divisions.

Two different Americas: one that's striving for more liberty, and another that's striving for less.

Tags: Left Lies  Issues  Alt-Liberty

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