While the right is far from immune from bias, the left puts agenda first.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-07-03 |
Here's just a few examples of living in an Alternate Reality:
Alt-History[edit source]
Alternate History - There are really two different histories of America -- the one that I know existed based on extensive reading and studying of history, and the one that some of my left of center friends know by repeating what they were taught in School/Universities, what they read in their version of the media, or what they really want to believe, despite all evidence to the contrary.
When I read Howard Zinn, NYT (1619), or Karl Marx's view of the world -- it sounds like an average far-left intersectional Democrat's view of the world. While it has names in common with mine, the facts have been changed to protect the guilty and convict the innocent. Without someone having an accurate understanding of the past, they have a distorted view of the present, and no ability to understand what's coming in the future. Which explains how they can demand such ruinous things with the glee of a cult follower reaching for their glass of flavor aid. Thus our realities will only occasionally intersect, and when they do, it's usually not a great reaction.
Alt-History, Left Lies • [36 items]
Alt-Economics[edit source]
Alt-Economics (Leftonomics) - These are alternate-reality economics that Fake Economists (usually leftist polemics) tell each other and their base. AKA Leftonomics. Never blame on malice that which is more easily explained by incompetence. But when you are an "expert" that knows the facts and repeat the fabrications anyways? Then malice (dishonesty) is all that's left. They know better.
Alt-Economics, Left Lies • [17 items]
Alt-Equality[edit source]
Alternate Equality - The left thinks handicapping/punishing the successful makes life more fair/equal. It doesn't.
No one is going to deny there's inequality in the world. There's just different views on what to do about it. The left believe's it can be fixed if we surrender to a totalitarian state that we redistribute everything and make it more fair. The historically informed know that's never worked out before. Replacing a sloppy meritocracy (and being able to pass your wealth to your heirs) with a politocracy, where the politicians decide who gets what, never makes it better for anyone but the political elite. Both are a plutocracy of sorts, just to climb the ladder on one requires talent, effort and luck, and in the other it requires political connections and dedication to the herd agenda. So what kind of world do you want your kids to live in? Where there's injustices against success, based on politics (the left's utopia). Or where there's injustice based on some people being smarter, stronger or just working harder? (the right's reality) For me? I'd rather live in the real world and latter one, than any utopia created autocratic lefties, because to date, none of those have ended well for individuals.
Inequality, Left Lies • [15 items]
Alt-Liberty[edit source]
There's real liberty, and the left's version (Alternate Liberty) - they have very little in common.
Real liberty is about arguing with people who don't do what you want, but letting them do it anyways. Telling them not to say things, or arguing against it, but letting them do it anyways. It's about championing your causes, by trying to win in public opinion, not using the tyranny of the majority (50%+1 of votes) to force laws or authority to take away their right to do it. Remember, a law/regulation/tax is the point where a bully says, "do it, or I'll have this government goon take you property, liberty or life".
Alt-Liberty, Left Lies • [18 items]
Alt-People[edit source]
There's the real people, and the Alernate People (aka the version of people the left believes in) - There are really two different versions of people/personalities: the one that I know existed based on extensive reading and studying of that person (and sometimes not even very extensively), and the fictional person that some of my friends know by repeating what they were taught in School/Universities, by the media or social media or popular beliefs, or what they really want to believe.
Them being wrong, is fine. Nobody knows everything. (Self included). The bigger issue is how do they deal with new evidence? Do they deal with it, with excitement and curiousity and validate the points and stop repeating the lie. Or do they put ego and agenda (or popular opinion amongst their clique), above the truth and reality? One of the biggest differences is that if your currency/idendity is built around consensus, popularity (popular opinion) and leftist/youth influences (where change/progress matters more than the lies you have to tell to get change), then they are extremely resistant to new information. That's the problem. I don't care if someone doesn't know something. But if they don't want to know something? Well then they're not a sentient (self-aware) human, they are just fool or a tool. Without someone having an accurate understanding of the past (or people they cherish/vilify), they have a distorted view of the present, and no ability to understand what's coming in the future. They live in a different reality that can only intersect with the hostility that their ego/insecurity demands. They know the same names of people that I know, but with different histories and thus perceptions of them (some events/actions omitted, others imagined in). And if they don't welcome revision to their world view, then they are just a cult follower reaching for their glass of flavor aid. Thus our realities will only occasionally intersect, and when they do, it's usually not to anyone's benefit. They wont drink from the chalice of knowledge, and I won't gulp from their goblet of ignorance.
Alt-People, Left Lies • [33 items]
Alt-Science[edit source]
▶ Examples
▼ ExamplesAlt-Science, Left Lies • [36 items]
Alt-Terms[edit source]
Alt-Terms, Left Lies • [3 items]
Alt-War[edit source]
Alternate War - I'm not a fan of war, that's why I read a ton about it and studied it. Those who don't know the past, can't learn from it. Those who do know the past, are doomed to watch others NOT learn from it.
Alt-War, Left Lies • [9 items]
Double Standards[edit source]
Double Standards, Left Lies • [14 items]
Hoax[edit source]
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