
From iGeek
While the right is far from immune from bias, the left puts agenda first.
While the right is far from immune from bias, the left puts agenda first. That puts agenda above science, reason, tolerance, and facts.
ℹ️ Info          
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-07-03 

Here's just a few examples of living in an Alternate Reality:

Alt-History[edit source]

           Main article: Alt-History
Alternate History - There are really two different histories of America -- the one that I know existed based on extensive reading and studying of history, and the one that some of my left of center friends know by repeating what they were taught in School/Universities, what they read in their version of the media, or what they really want to believe, despite all evidence to the contrary.

When I read Howard Zinn, NYT (1619), or Karl Marx's view of the world -- it sounds like an average far-left intersectional Democrat's view of the world. While it has names in common with mine, the facts have been changed to protect the guilty and convict the innocent.

Without someone having an accurate understanding of the past, they have a distorted view of the present, and no ability to understand what's coming in the future. Which explains how they can demand such ruinous things with the glee of a cult follower reaching for their glass of flavor aid. Thus our realities will only occasionally intersect, and when they do, it's usually not a great reaction. Alt-History, Left Lies • [36 items]

  • 1619 Project - The NY Times’ 1619 Project is a Marxist alternate history to reimagine America as founded on slavery.
  • 40 Hour work week - To the left, community organizing/Unions/Govt. gave us everything... that we already had. Like the 40 hour work week.
  • 70s SF Democrats - The left has rewritten history around 1970's Bay Area Democrats: Milk, Moscone, Jones, White and what happened.
  • 9-11 - 9/11 brought us together for a moment, then the left saw an opportunity to politicize and divide us, and took it.
  • Abortion - Abortion is a deeply personal view, but someone's views on it is a window into their soul.
  • Alt-Equality - There is inequality, but we're in the top handful of countries in the world as far as tolerance and diversity
  • Alt-War - There's the real history of war (what, why, how), and the progressive/left version. They only vaguely resemble each other.
  • American Exceptionalism - Is America exceptional? Yes. In so many ways that uneducated, miseducated, or indoctrinated refuse to understand or admit.
  • Black Lives Matter - BLM is the Black Klan, founded by Marxist, using lies and propaganda, with the agenda of division and advancing Marxism.
  • Charlottesville Race Riot - Lies: (1) Charlottesville was all about race (2) Trump supported the White Supremacists.
  • Christian Nation - America is undoubtedly a Christian Nation: founded on Judeo-Christian values and ethics.
  • Civil War and Slavery - To the simple, the Civi War was good v evil, and all about Slavery. To informed adults? Far more complexity.
  • Columbus - The left's version of Columbus and Columbus Day, Indigenous People's and so on, is completely out of touch with reality.
  • Conspiracy Theories - The left and right both have some conspiracy theories, and there are some conspiracy facts.
  • Death Panels - A government panel that denies you access to life-saving healthcare, is a death panel. ACA has a death panel.
  • Dropping the Bomb - The "defeated Japan” theory, is the idea that “the U.S. didn’t NEED to drop the bomb”, American did it because we are bad.
  • Election 2020 - Election 2020 - The polls were off, the media/Social was manipulative, the counts are dubious, and there was cheating.
  • Fascism - Fascism came from Socialism, called themselves socialists, and acted like Socialists. Some pretend they are "right wing".
  • Gentle savages - There were few "Gentle" savages. Their cultures were often brutal by our standards, as were we by today's standards.
  • Government made the iPhone - Pelosi (and the left) thinks the Government gave us the iPhone. Truth is commerce/business funds government.
  • How the West Was Won - This is not about a book or a movie, but about the rise of Western Civilization, over more advanced Eastern ones.
  • Inciting Violence - The left tries to cover up their bad actions, by blaming the other side for it, first. Inciting violence exemplifies this.
  • Institutional Racism - "Systemic/Institutional Racism" is the delusion that the system (laws/agencies) are against poor brown people.
  • J6 - 01/06/2020 was a protest used by the left to have show trials, attack their political enemies, and undermine America.
  • The Jungle - A failing socialist author wrote a debunked political propaganda book, that the miseducated still think was true.
  • Abraham Lincoln - Racist, un-constitutionalist, tyrannical bigot killed more Americans than any other President.
  • Mohammad Mosaddegh - Myths; democratically elected, freedom fighter, overthrown in CIA coup, then America put in our puppet (the Shah).
  • Native American Genocide - There's an oft-spread lie that America committed Genocide on Native Americans. Massacres and Genocide are not the same things.
  • Origins of the Internet - The Internet was not created by DARPA (they created a protocol), but the technoligies are based on customer needs.
  • Reagan emptied mental institutions and caused homeless crisis - There's a persistent myth is that Reagan emptied the mental institutions and that's why we have a homelessness problems.
  • Republicans are racists - Democrats distract from issues by accusing anyone that disagrees as being racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe.
  • Slavery - No one is going to defend Slavery: it was a vile institution. But the issue is far more complex than many let on.
  • Slavery and the New Deal - The "Roots" (Uncle Tom's Cabin) narrative, as told by abolitionists, make no sense.
  • The Southern Strategy - The Southern Strategy was to attract all disenfranchised conservative voters, not racists.
  • War - War, what is it good for? Democrats seem to like is as a tool for dividing us. (Imagined Imperialism).
  • You didn't build that - Without government we'd have commerce. Without commerce and people to tax, there would be no government.

Alt-Economics[edit source]

           Main article: Alt-Economics
Alt-Economics (Leftonomics) - These are alternate-reality economics that Fake Economists (usually leftist polemics) tell each other and their base. AKA Leftonomics. Never blame on malice that which is more easily explained by incompetence. But when you are an "expert" that knows the facts and repeat the fabrications anyways? Then malice (dishonesty) is all that's left. They know better.

Alt-Economics, Left Lies • [17 items]

  • 40 Hour work week - To the left, community organizing/Unions/Govt. gave us everything... that we already had. Like the 40 hour work week.
  • The Broken Window Fallacy - This is a fundamental concept of economics (and logic) about seen advantages versus unseen costs. There's no "win" here.
  • Financial crisis of 2007-2008 - What caused the financial crisis of 2007-2008? This explains various theories.
  • Government and Society - In 1776 Thomas Paine wrote the highly popular Common Sense to lay out why the Colonies should be self governed and independent from the UK.
  • Government made the iPhone - Pelosi (and the left) thinks the Government gave us the iPhone. Truth is commerce/business funds government.
  • Green Energy - The left believes that Green Energy exists, it's cheaper, and could provide all our power needs. Pure ignorance.
  • Income inequality - The left loves to point out the disappearing middle class (income inequality), and how we need them to fix it: all lies.
  • Keynes - A microeconomist that got a few things right in the little picture, but got virtually everything wrong in the big picture.
  • Military industrial complex - Ike warned about Iron Triangles (collusion between Government, Politicians and Business), not just the military.
  • Minimum Wage - The delusion that politicians know the big magic round number that fair for everyone, everywhere, at the same time.
  • New Jersey and the Economist - The Economist ran an oft quoted FakeNews story that blue states subsidize red states (via taxes/benefits).
  • Obamanomics v Trumponomics - Obamanomics was the return of Carter/Johnson's tax and spend. Trumponomics is closer to Reaganomics. Which worked better?
  • Rent Control - Swedish economist Assar Lindbeck, "rent control appears to be the most efficient technique presently known to destroy a city – except for bombing".
  • Socialism - Socialism has been the most tried, and most failed government system, next to it's older brother (Tyranny).
  • The Great Depression - The Great Depression was magnified and extended by FDR's Keynesian policies.
  • Trickle Down Economics - There's a name for Trickle Down Economics... it's called economics. Keynesianism is the idea that if government spends, it trickles down.
  • Unintended Consequences - Every action causes a reaction. Many reactions/consequences are counter productive and make the problem worse.

Alt-Equality[edit source]

           Main article: Alt-Equality
Alternate Equality - The left thinks handicapping/punishing the successful makes life more fair/equal. It doesn't.

No one is going to deny there's inequality in the world. There's just different views on what to do about it. The left believe's it can be fixed if we surrender to a totalitarian state that we redistribute everything and make it more fair. The historically informed know that's never worked out before. Replacing a sloppy meritocracy (and being able to pass your wealth to your heirs) with a politocracy, where the politicians decide who gets what, never makes it better for anyone but the political elite. Both are a plutocracy of sorts, just to climb the ladder on one requires talent, effort and luck, and in the other it requires political connections and dedication to the herd agenda.

So what kind of world do you want your kids to live in? Where there's injustices against success, based on politics (the left's utopia). Or where there's injustice based on some people being smarter, stronger or just working harder? (the right's reality) For me? I'd rather live in the real world and latter one, than any utopia created autocratic lefties, because to date, none of those have ended well for individuals. Inequality, Left Lies • [15 items]

  • Black Lives Matter - BLM is the Black Klan, founded by Marxist, using lies and propaganda, with the agenda of division and advancing Marxism.
  • Cultural Appropriation - The moronic idea that if one culture/tribe learns from another, that they're wrong and being insensitive .
  • Fake Rape - A leftist trope is that no Democrat female would lie about rape, but Republican ones can be ignored. Facts say otherwise.
  • Gender Dysphoria - Sex/gender is physical and chromosomes. Gender preference (how we want to act) is a choice.
  • Gender Wage Gap - If you adjust for things like occupational choices, experience, employment gaps, hours worked, and so on, there is no pay-gap.
  • Homophobia - Homophobia literally means the unreasonable fear towards all gay people.
  • How the West Was Won - This is not about a book or a movie, but about the rise of Western Civilization, over more advanced Eastern ones.
  • Income inequality - The left loves to point out the disappearing middle class (income inequality), and how we need them to fix it: all lies.
  • Institutional Racism - "Systemic/Institutional Racism" is the delusion that the system (laws/agencies) are against poor brown people.
  • Racism, Sexism, Homophobia - Crybullies abusing words like Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, are diluting the meaning and impact.
  • Social Justice Warriors - SJWs: When you are not able to refute the arguments, bully people into silence. Social Justice is injustice.
  • Transphobia - Transphobia means the unreasonable fear towards all trans-people, not a reasonable disagreement over policies.
  • Virtue Signaling - The left sees everything is about themselves, and they need to tell others about it. That's virtue signaling.
  • VoterID and Voter Fraud - Facts, fallacies, and data to allow readers to come to their own conclusions about Voter fraud and VoterID.
  • War on Women - Those who've never seen a war, think not forcing subsidized abortions or birth control is the same as a War on Women.

Alt-Liberty[edit source]

           Main article: Alt-Liberty
Tech slavery.svg
There's real liberty, and the left's version (Alternate Liberty) - they have very little in common.

Real liberty is about arguing with people who don't do what you want, but letting them do it anyways. Telling them not to say things, or arguing against it, but letting them do it anyways. It's about championing your causes, by trying to win in public opinion, not using the tyranny of the majority (50%+1 of votes) to force laws or authority to take away their right to do it. Remember, a law/regulation/tax is the point where a bully says, "do it, or I'll have this government goon take you property, liberty or life". Alt-Liberty, Left Lies • [18 items]

  • Anti-American - If your org/agendas works against America, American Values, the Constitution, or rule of law, then that's anti-American.
  • Anti-Americans - If your interests work against America, the Constitution, American values, traditions, laws, you are an anti-American.
  • Backpage - Obama admin DOJ shut down Backpage and arrested the founders for the not being Craigslist (and paying off Democrats).
  • Corporate Personhood & Citizens United - The left hates blind/fair Justice. The CU ruling said that Unions, Churches, Marriages would all be treated the same.
  • Democratic Tolerance - Judge a man (or a party) by their actions. This is about what the Democrats have done recently.
  • EPA - After the States cleaned up, the EPA was created to take credit. Then screw things up.
  • Eighteenth Amendment - Progressive Democrats (and Women's Sufferage) drove Alcohol Prohibition (18th Amendment), and it was a disaster.
  • Eighth Amendment - Eighth Amendment says, "...nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted". 1972 the left invented that meant Capital Punishment.
  • FCC - FCC was created so FDR could bully any TV/Radio stations that did unfavorable pieces on the administration.
  • FDA - FDA was created because of a propaganda scam (The Jungle), to cure problems that barely existed, and they made worse.
  • First Amendment - The left opposes Free Speech, Freedom of Religion, or "Hate Speech" and Disinformation, which is anything they don't like.
  • Fourth Amendment - Democrats/left are so against the 2A, that they're willing to sacrifice all our other civil rights, including the 4th.
  • Gun Control - Gun Control is about people control.
  • Party of fear - The lefts two biggest tools are envy, fear, and finger pointing to distract; used to manipulate their constituents.
  • Plastic Bag Bans - Plastic Bag Bans are anti-environmentalism, anti-economics, and hurts people, and the left loves them.
  • Second Amendment - America was founded on, "Guns are liberties teeth". If government doesn't trust the public, then Government is the problem.
  • Sixth Amendment - The left supports secret hearings to strip you of your rights, based on shoddy or made-up evidence, because "guns are scary".
  • Smoking - Persecuting smoking and smokers is a modern witch hunt among the left, to the point of being anti-Science.

Alt-People[edit source]

           Main article: Alt-People
There's the real people, and the Alernate People (aka the version of people the left believes in) - There are really two different versions of people/personalities: the one that I know existed based on extensive reading and studying of that person (and sometimes not even very extensively), and the fictional person that some of my friends know by repeating what they were taught in School/Universities, by the media or social media or popular beliefs, or what they really want to believe.

Them being wrong, is fine. Nobody knows everything. (Self included). The bigger issue is how do they deal with new evidence? Do they deal with it, with excitement and curiousity and validate the points and stop repeating the lie. Or do they put ego and agenda (or popular opinion amongst their clique), above the truth and reality?

One of the biggest differences is that if your currency/idendity is built around consensus, popularity (popular opinion) and leftist/youth influences (where change/progress matters more than the lies you have to tell to get change), then they are extremely resistant to new information. That's the problem. I don't care if someone doesn't know something. But if they don't want to know something? Well then they're not a sentient (self-aware) human, they are just fool or a tool.

Without someone having an accurate understanding of the past (or people they cherish/vilify), they have a distorted view of the present, and no ability to understand what's coming in the future. They live in a different reality that can only intersect with the hostility that their ego/insecurity demands. They know the same names of people that I know, but with different histories and thus perceptions of them (some events/actions omitted, others imagined in). And if they don't welcome revision to their world view, then they are just a cult follower reaching for their glass of flavor aid. Thus our realities will only occasionally intersect, and when they do, it's usually not to anyone's benefit. They wont drink from the chalice of knowledge, and I won't gulp from their goblet of ignorance. Alt-People, Left Lies • [33 items]

  • 70s SF Democrats - The left has rewritten history around 1970's Bay Area Democrats: Milk, Moscone, Jones, White and what happened.
  • Alec Baldwin - A divisive (racism, sexist) actor/activist that killed a director through irresponsible gross negligence.
  • Alton Sterling - Bloods sex offending repeat felon is shot while resisting arrest and going for an illegal gun (again).
  • Anti-Americans - If your interests work against America, the Constitution, American values, traditions, laws, you are an anti-American.
  • Jacob Blake - 05/30/2020 Jacob Blake (29) is shot for being a violent thug with warrants, resisting arrest. Violent riots result.
  • Sandra Bland - Stoned BLM activist with mental issues, gets hysterical, arrested, and hangs herself. Left/Media blames it on cops.
  • Michael Brown - 08/09/2013 Michael Brown (18) is shot for being a stoned violent thug that robbed a liquor store and assaulted the cop trying to arrest him. Violent riots result.
  • Philando Castile - Crips criminal (86 misdemeanors) is pulled over as an armed robbery suspect, he's shot when he reaches for his gun.
  • Hillary Clinton - Hillary's scandals that the media ignored or diluted, but defined her, them and her supporters. They were OK with all of this.
  • Eric Garner - Tobacco smuggler and repeat violent felon died of a heart attack while resisting arrest.
  • George Floyd - Stoned, repeat violent felon, is pulled over for passing a fake $20, and resists until subdued, and dies of an O.D.
  • Henry Louis Gates - Cops respond to call of guy breaking into home. Gates parlays that into disorderly conduct. Media/Obama blames racism.
  • Impeachments - Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body initiates charges against a public official for misconduct.
  • Keith Lamont Scott - Felon was brandishing an illegally possessed gun, and was shot by a black cop.
  • Paul Krugman - Paul Krugman is an ex microeconomist that turned into a Democrat polemic, willing to lie for fame/money.
  • Robert E. Lee - Anti-Slavery Southern General that prevented an extended insurrection, and ended the civil war.
  • Abraham Lincoln - Racist, un-constitutionalist, tyrannical bigot killed more Americans than any other President.
  • Omar Mateen - The Media and the FBI completely misled the public on what happened with Pulse Nightclub shooting.
  • Micah Xavier Johnson - BLM activist Micah Johnson shoots 16 people in retaliation for imaginary injustices of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling.
  • Mohammad Mosaddegh - Myths; democratically elected, freedom fighter, overthrown in CIA coup, then America put in our puppet (the Shah).
  • Michelle Obama - A black bigot who happened to be married to a half-black bigot, who won the WhiteHouse, twice.
  • Alfred Olango - Ugandan immigrant commits suicide-by-cop, and the left/media blames racism.
  • Progressives - Progressives want progress (towards Marxism), and they're willing to sacrifice as many people as that takes.
  • Kyle Rittenhouse - Kinosha local kid shot 3 Antifa felons while they were assaulting him: left is upset Kyle used self defense.
  • Rodney King - Rodney got beat because he kept making bad choices: he'd have been beat if he was White, Asian or Latino.
  • Bernie Sanders - A two-faced, hypocritical, crazy-uncle Socialist that preys on hippies who want free stuff.
  • Sarah Palin - Left: never denigrate Women: except Sarah Palin (and other conservative Women).
  • OJ Simpson - Racist L.A. blacks let off an obvious murderer, because White Lives Don't Matter.
  • Breonna Taylor - Black Girl shot in crossfire, when her boyfriend started a gunfight with cops while issuing a legit search warrant for crimes she would have been convicted on.
  • The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy - This book details how McCarthy was the victim of McCarthyism and revisionism, the evidence remains on his side.
  • Donald Trump - A list of articles on Trump, his accomplishments, scandals (real and imagined).
  • Valerie Plame - Ex-CIA agent lies that she was outted by Bush Admin. Media perpetuates the lies for years.
  • George Zimmerman - Community watch guy gets assaulted by street-thug and commits self defense. Media spins it as racism.

Alt-Science[edit source]

           Main article: Alt-Science
  • The left likes to pretend that the Republicans are anti-Science party, and that the Democrats are pro-Science. But while there are pro and anti-science people on both sides of the aisle, facts show that Democrats/Left will put agenda above anything (Family, Country, or Science) far more often or vocally than the Conservative/Right.
  • Q: What do you get when you cross science and politics? A: Politics. Putting the politicians in control of science funding (running funding from the Federal government), is politicizing science. Who wants more central control of Science?
    • Much of the real fight is about using Science funding to advance a political agenda; a proxy war for causes that the Left/Democrats/media support, and the right and public opposes, so they use faux Science as the excuse for force. You get what you incentivize. If you care about real science, you should support taking the politics (and politicians money) out of "science".
  • You can tell who is more anti-Science by just arguing facts and see how they respond to data that doesn't fit their agenda. Do they appeal to emotion (or use emotional arguments), or appeal to facts/data? Do they want more debate and both sides, or to "fact check" / censor the opposition? Does new information cause view revision, or do they attack the apostate? The left was called bleeding-heart and knee-jerk for reasons: appeals to emotion and demand for action before understanding is anti-science, and works better on the left than the right.

▶ Examples

▼ Examples

Alt-Science, Left Lies • [36 items]
  • Alt-Economics - These are the lies (alternate economics) that are told by Fake Economists of the left, and repeated by their rubes and polemics.
  • Alt-Science - This is a list of "alternate science": things that some claim is science, but isn't.
  • BMI - BMI doesn't differentiate between muscle and fat. A moronic weight to height ratio tells little about health or fitness.
  • Beepocalypse - There was this huge scam that the bees were all dying, and it was going to be the end us of all.
  • Biofuels - Biofuels are an anti-science flam-flam on the gullible, wasting food, wasting land, polluting, defrauding taxpayers.
  • Black Conspiracy Theology - I'm not black, but my Step-Dad is black, I did live and work in black communities.
  • Carpool lanes - These cost Cal $2.5B+, a 20% capacity loss, increased pollution, decreased carpooling, and increased injuries (50%+).
  • Climate - The Climate is always change, the debate is over the cause and consequences. Where there's no debate, there's no science.
  • Colonoscopy - Colonoscopy has been touted as something everyone should do, and best way to reduce risk. May be debunked.
  • Environment - I'm pro-environment myself, just anti-environmental-scarism.
  • Evolution and Creation - The views are more mixed than many (left/media) pretend. And I'm OK with that, because I'm not an asshole.
  • Gender Wage Gap - If you adjust for things like occupational choices, experience, employment gaps, hours worked, and so on, there is no pay-gap.
  • Gender is a choice - Gender is not a choice. I'll play make believe to be tolerant to trans folks, but knowing reality is not a phobia/hate.
  • Global Cooling Scare - The dishonest, partisan and uninformed downplay the Global Cooling craze of the 1970's, because it makes them look bad.
  • Green Energy - The left believes that Green Energy exists, it's cheaper, and could provide all our power needs. Pure ignorance.
  • Hydroxychloroquine - Hydroxychloroquine showed great early results in some prelim studies.
  • Keynes - A microeconomist that got a few things right in the little picture, but got virtually everything wrong in the big picture.
  • Life Begins at... - Science says life begins at conception. Period. Now where should a human life get rights/protection?
  • Light Rail - In a vacuum, Light rail sounds great: trains are efficient, comfortable, and just fun. But we don't live in a vacuum.
  • Nuclear Energy - The safest and greenest form of energy on the planet... and the environmentalist left has always opposed it.
  • Organic food fraud - Is Organic food better for you or the environment? It depends. There are tradeoffs.
  • Paranormal beliefs - What do Astrology, UFOs, Ghosts have in common? Twice as many Democrats believe in them as Republicans.
  • Peak Oil Theory - M King Hubbert predicted oil production to peak globally around 1986, it's now expected after 2050. Be skeptical of Chicken Little.
  • Plastic Bag Bans - Plastic Bag Bans are anti-environmentalism, anti-economics, and hurts people, and the left loves them.
  • Recycling - Recycling is not a panacea often increasing pollution, waste, taxes, and government control over our lives.
  • Science and Religion - When you mix Science and Politics, you get politics.
  • Secondhand Drinking - Along comes secondhand drinking... which harms 53M Americans? Progressivism is a mental disorder.
  • Secondhand Smoke - Secondhand smoke exists, but the effects are so exaggerated as to be Junk Science (the EPA's "Study" is debunked).
  • Sexology - The foundations of sex research can summed up as perverts distorting data to normalize their perversions.
  • Smoking - Persecuting smoking and smokers is a modern witch hunt among the left, to the point of being anti-Science.
  • Smoking and Healthcare costs - An anti-smoking rationalization was that smoking increased healthcare costs, only it saves costs.
  • Straw Bans - Anti-Science Straw Bans are the epitome of California's intolerance towards right-thinking humans. (Copy-catted elsewhere).
  • The Population Bomb - Marxist-sponsored hippie environmentalists re-invented the Malthusian catastrophe, and the only solution was Marxism.
  • Unintended Consequences - Every action causes a reaction. Many reactions/consequences are counter productive and make the problem worse.
  • War on Science - "War on Science" is a fraud so the left can funnel money to special interests posing as Scientists.
  • Wind Power - The best thing you can say about Wind Power is that it's less wasteful and more reliable than Solar Power.

Alt-Terms[edit source]

           Main article: Alt-Terms
Alt-Terms, Left Lies • [3 items]
  • Post Modernism - Postmodernism was inspired and adopted by Marxism: the idea that all truth is relative, and leftist should define truth.
  • Transphobia - Transphobia means the unreasonable fear towards all trans-people, not a reasonable disagreement over policies.
  • Virtue Signaling - The left sees everything is about themselves, and they need to tell others about it. That's virtue signaling.

Alt-War[edit source]

           Main article: Alt-War
Against war, don't drop bombs.svg
Alternate War - I'm not a fan of war, that's why I read a ton about it and studied it. Those who don't know the past, can't learn from it. Those who do know the past, are doomed to watch others NOT learn from it.

Alt-War, Left Lies • [9 items]

  • 9-11 - 9/11 brought us together for a moment, then the left saw an opportunity to politicize and divide us, and took it.
  • Bush lied - Bush didn't lie: the world's intelligence disagreed on specifics, but all agreed that Saddam was trying to get WMD's.
  • Civil War and Slavery - To the simple, the Civi War was good v evil, and all about Slavery. To informed adults? Far more complexity.
  • Dropping the Bomb - The "defeated Japan” theory, is the idea that “the U.S. didn’t NEED to drop the bomb”, American did it because we are bad.
  • Halliburton - NYT invented “evil conspiracy” to pay off a company for cheating us. The rubes believed it.
  • Military industrial complex - Ike warned about Iron Triangles (collusion between Government, Politicians and Business), not just the military.
  • Mohammad Mosaddegh - Myths; democratically elected, freedom fighter, overthrown in CIA coup, then America put in our puppet (the Shah).
  • Native American Genocide - There's an oft-spread lie that America committed Genocide on Native Americans. Massacres and Genocide are not the same things.
  • War - War, what is it good for? Democrats seem to like is as a tool for dividing us. (Imagined Imperialism).

Double Standards[edit source]

           Main article: Double Standards
Double Standards, Left Lies • [14 items]
  • Assange Irony - Chelsea Manning steals secrets and is a pardoned hero of the left. But Assange must be ruined for publishing it?
  • Body Count - Dems care about mass shooters, just not if they're black and in Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, or other DNC city gangs.
  • DACA v Reparations - DACA kids shouldn't have to pay for their parents crimes. White people are responsible for 17th century slave owners.
  • Dems on voters - Dems: Voters should decide - Abolish the electoral college. Also Dems: Voters shouldn't decide - Keep Super-Delegates.
  • Gaslighting - Gaslighting is psychological cruelty where one sows doubt by manipulating others into questioning their own memory and sanity.
  • Hillary Clinton/Divulges Nuclear Response Times - Slipped on one of the highest security issues and publicly blabbed the exact Nuclear Response Time.
  • Illegal Immigrants over Veterans - Dems approved $27M in tuition aid for illegal immigrants but blocked Republicans giving 1/10th to Veterants families.
  • Illegal alien health insurance - Dems: Penalize citizens if they don't buy health insurance, but give illegals free health insurance.
  • Inciting Violence - The left tries to cover up their bad actions, by blaming the other side for it, first. Inciting violence exemplifies this.
  • MeToo - Sexual Harassment (Gropegate / MeToo), Racism, is the lefts way to silence and cancel the opposition, that backlashed.
  • Polemics - Democrats have no problems with THEIR mudslingers, and throwers of hostile rhetoric. But pearl clutch over the other side.
  • Kyle Rittenhouse - Kinosha local kid shot 3 Antifa felons while they were assaulting him: left is upset Kyle used self defense.
  • Some People - Ilhan Omar said, "Some people did something", to avoid admitting Islamic Terrorists took down the Twin Towers on 9/11.
  • Trumps Baltimore Criticisms - Dems whined about Baltimore for years. Trump tweeted the same things, and the left screamed, "Racism".

Hoax[edit source]

           Main article: Hoax
Hoax warning.svg


  1. That Trump was colluding or a puppet of Russia
  2. The Steele Pee-Pee Dossier / Hooker story was real
  3. Russia was paying bounties on U.S. Soldiers in Afghanistan
  4. Romney was an idiot for thinking Russia posed a threat to other countries
  • Trump
  1. Trump called Neo-Nazi's "Very_fine_people"
  2. Trump mocked a reporter's disability
  3. Trump overfed koi fish in Japan
  4. Trump cleared protestors with tear gas for a bible photo op
  5. January 6th was an "insurrection" or "Coup" to overthrow the government, that's why nobody brought guns
  6. Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of the beast
  7. Trump called KIA's in WWII "Losers"
  8. Trump stored nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago
  9. Trump invited Nick Fuentes to dinner at Mar-a-Lago
  1. Trump suggested drinking/injective bleach to fight COVID
  2. COVID had a death rate of 3.5%
  3. Hydroxychloroquine had no support as theraputic
  4. Ivermectine had no support as theraputic
  5. We'd never have a vaccine in 2020
  6. Vaccines were better than natural immunity
  7. Vaccines had zero risks/complications
  8. Vaccine mandates are justified in low risk cohorts (like kids)
  9. Cloth masks work to stop/slow the spread
  10. Lockdowns/School Lockdowns stopped the spread
  11. Locking down travel from hotspots like China/Italy was racist
  12. It was a virus of the unvaccinated
  13. The idea that COVID came from a Chinese Lab was wild conspiracy theory
  14. Calling it the Wuhan/China virus was racist
  • Elections
  1. Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation
  2. 2020 Elections found no fraud or were fair
  • Other
  1. Border Patrol Agents whippped illegal border crossers
  2. Kids in cages narrative (Trump did, Obama/Biden didn't, etc)
  3. Governor Whiter kidnapping plot
  4. Government driving up the cost of Oil/Energy, trillions in spending, or increased taxes/regulation, will reduce inflation
  5. Antifa was mostly peaceful protests
  6. Joe Biden didn't leave any Americans/Allies behind in Afghanistan
  7. Emailgate - Hillary wasn't unique: nobody else would have been prosecuted for 30,000 secure emails on a home server, and destroying evidence that was under subpeona


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Republican National Committee
RNC or GOP (Grand Old Party) is the party that was founded on ending Democrats slavery.

Power relations between individuals or groups, such as the distribution of resources or status.

Democratic National Committee
Historically on the wrong side of almost every issue, while lectured the public on their moral superiority.

List all the articles that have work to be done on them.

Tags: RNC  Politics  DNC  TBD

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